Monday, September 30, 2019

Philosophy Afrterlife Reformation Essay

The ancient philosophers of Greek and Rome generally believed the world to be eternal, meaning, that the world had no beginning, and thus, it can never have an end, too. The people who had pondered about the origins of life here on earth, and about life after this present existence ends, have been segregated into many sects and categories. For the Stoics [1] our universe undergoes the shifting courses of expansion and contraction in perpetuity – from fire the universe expands into cooler and denser forms, contracts again in order to become fire, and so on in an eternal fashion. To the followers of Aristotle, according the author Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know,   â€Å"this world of ours has always existed and always will, and God did not create this world.†(90) Yet, even the followers of Aristotle, were divided as far as their opinions went. Jostein Gaarder provides as much in Sophie’s World by indicating that to a select number of these Aristotelians the world â€Å"†¦is like a big clockwork machine in which after a very long interval all the parts come back to the same positions, and the same sequence of events then happens again, over and over eternally; human beings and their actions are part of the clockwork, so everything in human history has already happened an infinite number of times already, and will happen again an infinite number of times in the future.† (67) Still in Gaarder’s Sophies World, we read that the early Christians and their faith in the sacred Scriptures believed that their, â€Å"God created the world a relatively short time ago, exercises continual providence in human history, and will eventually end it, perhaps in the not too distant future, and conduct a grand accounting. Life after death will go on for ever, but life on earth takes place within a fixed and relatively short timeframe, with a beginning, middle, and an end.† (72) There is a Christian saint in the person of St. Augustine who, â€Å"†¦scorned the Stoic concept of the happy life as inadequate, and proclaimed that in the next life true happiness will be found.† (45) But, according to St. Augustine, â€Å"they did not say much about what it would be like.† (46) St. Augustine went on further to write that, â€Å"†¦it is as if they were content to leave it to God – we can be sure that whatever is required to make human beings happy will be provided.†(57) The Stoics, in the opinion of the said Christian saint, â€Å"were not much interested in theorizing about happiness in this life, because not everyone can achieve it, it is not important to achieve, it is not of much significance in comparison with the happiness of the next life.† (93)   In Robert Longman’s, Medieval Aristotelians, the author writes that the medieval Aristotelians, â€Å"theorized about the happiness of the next life, adapting Aristotle’s ideas for the purpose: the happiness of heaven consists of intuitive knowledge of God himself.† (385) Lastly, in St. Augustine’s own City of God, St. Augustine postulates that â€Å"the elect are those who are predestined to happiness in the next life.† (990)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The philosopher, Rene Descartes immortalized the philosophical tenet of, â€Å"I think, therefore, I am.† In Dan Kaufman’s Divine Simplicity and the Eternal Truths in Descartes, we come to have a greater understanding about the view of Descartes regarding the afterlife of man. For Descartes, there is a God who is the composer and man who is the composed and composite. [2] Descartes philosophizes that, â€Å"†¦ man’s life, death, and life after death is dependent on the will, intellect and understanding of God.† (14) Hence, if this is so, for Rene Descartes, if God is the cause of man, then man depends on God also, even in the matter of man’s death. Rene Descartes had studied the nature of man and he had stressed the reality behind man’s divisibility. We can say that if, for Descartes, man is: mind and body, thought and extension, and a corporeal being who is believed to be someone who knows that he exists if he is inclined to the process of thinking; then, it can be derived that man’s death comes when man ceases to think. The ‘I’ cannot think, the ‘I’ does not think, the ‘I’[ as already mentioned ] ceases to think, indeed, the ‘I’ can no longer think—most importantly- and the ‘I’ can no longer declare, â€Å" Therefore, I am†. And so, from this cessation of thought, the status quo of man’s existence becomes of this, â€Å"†¦he does not think, therefore, he is not.† (99) In fact, philosophically, the ‘he’ is no longer, an ‘I’. Life after death, we can gain from reading the works of Descartes, would be, according to this philosopher, a state of being that is entirely dependent on God’s will. Man no longer has a say in it, for he is no longer capable of thinking. John Hobbes’s Leviathan bears a duality of natured characteristics which stamp it with the mark of genius. Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know discusses the Leviathan, at length, by describing it in this way, â€Å"In the first place, it is a work of great imaginative power, which shows how the whole fabric of human life and society is built up out of simple elements. And, in the second place, it is distinguished by a remarkable logical consecutiveness, so that there are very few places in which any lack of coherence can be detected in the thought.† (1001) Sulmner writes how it, â€Å"is true that the social order, as Hobbes presents it, produces an impression of artificiality; but this is hardly an objection, for it was his deliberate aim to show the artifice by which it had been constructed and the danger which lay in any interference with the mechanism.† (1024) The author goes on further to include that, â€Å"It is true, also, that the state of nature and the social contract are fictions passed off as facts; but, even to this objection, an answer might be made from within the bounds of his [Hobbes’s] theory. It is in his premises, not in his reasoning, that the error lies. If human nature were as selfish and anarchical as he represents it, then morality and the political order could arise and flourish only by its restraint, and the alternative would be, as he describes it, between complete insecurity and absolute power. But, if his view of man be mistaken, then the whole fabric of his thought crumbles. When we recognize that the individual is neither real nor intelligible apart from his social origin and traditions, and that the social factor influences his thought and motives, the opposition between self and others becomes less fundamental, the abrupt alternatives of Hobbes’s thoughts lose their validity and it is possible to regard morality and the state as expressing the ideal and sphere of human activity, and not as simply the chains by which man’s unruly passions are kept in check.† (1037) For Hobbes, according to Sulmner, â€Å"for as long as the state of nature endures, life is insecure and wretched. Man cannot improve this state, but he can get out of it; therefore, the fundamental law of nature is to seek peace and follow it; and, from this, emerges the second law, that, for the sake of peace, a man should be willing to lay down his right to all things, when other men are, also, willing to do so. From these two are derived all the laws of nature of the moralists. The laws of nature are immutable and eternal.† (1048). And so, for Hobbes, life after death, would be the experience of absolute escape from his present state of life here on earth. Jostein Gaarder provides a chapter in Sophie’s World on how, â€Å"John Locke opened a new way for English philosophy.† (261) Locke had patterned his philosophies from those of Francis Bacon, Hobbes, and the other forefathers of modern philosophy. Sophie’s World presents how, â€Å"Bacon had done more: he had found dangers and defects in the natural working of men’s minds, and had devised means to correct them. But Locke went a step further, and undertook a systematic investigation of the human understanding with a view to determining something else—namely, the truth and certainty of knowledge, and the grounds of belief, on all matters about which men are in the habit of making assertions.† (262) In his manner, Locke introduced a new method of philosophical enquiry, which is, â€Å"now known as a theory of knowledge, or epistemology; and, in this respect, he was the precursor of Kant and anticipated what Kant called the critical method.† (279)    Sophie’s World also provides us with this knowledge of how, â€Å"we have Locke’s own account of the origin of the problem in his mind. He struck out a new way because he found the old paths blocked. Five or six friends were conversing in his room, probably in London and in the winter of 1670–1, â€Å"on a subject very remote from this†; the subject, as we learn from another member of the party, was the â€Å"principles of morality and revealed religion†; but difficulties arose on every side, and no progress was made. Then, he goes on to say, it came into my thoughts that we took a wrong course, and that before we set ourselves upon inquires of that nature, it was necessary to examine our own abilities, and see what objects our understandings were, or were not, fitted to deal with.† (262) Again, Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know writes about Locke, â€Å"At the request of his friends, Locke agreed to set down his thoughts on this question against their next meeting; and he expected that a single sheet of paper would suffice for the purpose. So little did he realize the magnitude of the issues which he raised and which were to occupy his leisure for nearly twenty years.† (2765)    Sulmner informs by highlighting, â€Å"Locke’s interest centers in the traditional problems—the nature of self, the world and God, and the grounds of our knowledge of them. We reach these questions only in the fourth and last book of the Essay. But to them the enquiry of the first three books is preliminary, though it has, and Locke saw that it had, an importance of its own. His introductory sentences make this plain: Since it is the understanding that sets man above the rest of sensible beings, and gives him all the advantage and dominion which he has over them; it is certainly a subject, even for its nobleness, worth our labor to inquire into. The understanding, like the eye, while it makes us see and perceive all other things, takes no notice of itself; and it requires art and pains to set it at a distance and make it its own object. But whatever be the difficulties that lie in the way of this inquiry; whatever it be that keeps us so much in the dark to ourselves; sure I am that all the light we can let in upon our minds, all the acquaintance we can make with our own understandings, will not only be very pleasant, but bring us great advantage, in directing our thoughts in the search of other things. â€Å"(2766)   What Students of Philosophy Should Know concludes for us that, â€Å"Locke will not ‘meddle with the physical consideration of the mind’; he has no theory about its essence or its relation to the body; at the same time, he has no doubt that, if due pains be taken, the understanding can be studied like anything else: we can observe its objects and the ways in which it operates upon them. All the objects of the understanding are described as ideas, and ideas are spoken of as being in the mind. Locke’s first problem, therefore, is to trace the origin and history of ideas, and the ways in which the understanding operates upon them, in order that he may be able to see what knowledge is and how far it reaches.† (2800) In Sulmner’s book, we can read that, â€Å"This wide use of the term â€Å"idea† is inherited from Descartes. The term in modern psychology which corresponds with it most nearly is â€Å"presentation.† But presentation is, strictly, only one variety of Locke’s idea, which includes, also, representation and image, percept, and concept or notion. His usage of the term thus differs so widely from the old Platonic meaning that the danger of confusion between them is not great. It suited the author’s purpose, also, from being a familiar word in ordinary discourse as well as in the language of philosophers. Herein, however, lay a danger from which he did not escape. In common usage â€Å"idea† carries with it a suggestion of contrast with reality; and the opposition which the â€Å"new way of ideas† excited was due to the doubt which it seemed to cast on the claim of knowledge to be ‘a knowledge of real things’.(2817) Perhaps, for Locke, life after death, is something that can be located in man’s mind. This is what we can gather from studies of philosophers, throughout history, about life after death: 1.) in the next life true happiness will be found, 2.) the happiness of heaven consists of intuitive knowledge of God himself, 3.) a state of being that is entirely dependent on God’s will, 4.) life after death, would be the experience of absolute escape from his present state of life here on earth, and finally, 5.)something that can be located in man’s mind. And as for the matter, of which would be true amongst these theories? Well, we shall see which, but in the next life. WORKS CITED De Torre, Joseph M. The Humanism of Modern Philosophy,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3d ed. Madrid: Solaris Press, 1999. Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie’s World. London: Phoenix Books, 1996;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reprint, Phoenix Books,1998. Kaufmann, Dan. Divine Simplicity and the Eternal Truths   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Descartes.   British Journal for the History of Philosophy: UK, Vol. ii   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Issue 4, 2003. Longman, Robert.   Medieval Aristotelians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Translated by Thomas Charles. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Random House Publishing, 1992. Sulmner, Leopold.What Students of Philosophy Should Know. Singapore: Allyn and Bacon, 1996. [1] De Torre, Joseph M. The Humanism of Modern Philosophy,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3d ed. Madrid: Solaris Press, 1999. [2] Man in being composed[composite], has external parts and a soul. He is divisible, according to his parts. And he is created by God, the composer.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chadwick: A Balanced Scorecard

Needs to focus Its business strategy by first addressing the following questions: How do customers see us? What must we excel at? Can we continue to improve and create value? How do we look to shareholders? The Balanced Scorecard is a set of measures that gives top management a fast but comprehensive view of the business. It details both financial and operational measures by focusing on four parameters: Innovation and Learning Perspective, Internal Business Perspective, Customer Perspective, and Financial Perspective.By adopting the Balanced Scorecard, Chadwick, Inc. Will create a report that Includes financial measures of results already taken together with operational measures that are the drivers of future financial performance. Innovation and Learning Perspective Chadwick will fulfill its company value through its ability to introduce its new products, improve operating efficiencies to generate its revenue. Well-trained employees bring value to a company, and a good training prog ram can improve the employees' performance.The best measurement of training is return on investment (ROI). Chadwick, Inc. ‘s goal Is to create an Increase of new drug Innovation; measured y comparing after-training results to previous pre-training results, setting a benchmark at 5%. The Research and Development department (R&D) plays an important role by getting feedback from the market, customers, and specialists. It will use the feedback to create future products to meet their customer's needs and create profits. The company should set up both short-term and long-term goal for the R;D department.The short-term goal will be measured by two deferent ways: the amount of new product's weight on total sales and time a product takes to be Introduced to the market. New products must occupy 60% of the sales. To measure product introduction, Chadwick, Inc. Can compare the time spends on the new product development and compare it to its competitors. The long-term goal is to maintain t echnology leadership in the industry, measured by Chadwick ability to develop next generation of drug innovation. To motivate the employees, the company should set up a reward system or work environment to stimulate the creativity of Its workers.Chadwick should Incorporate both monetary and non monetary methods to reward its employees. The non monetary awards include: public recognition such as reduce development team award dinners and ceremonies, recognition through video spots or the company newsletter; or, time off like time allocated to work on â€Å"pet† projects, extra vacation for overtime worked, etc. (Sunken, 30). Above all, to build an engaged workforce, enable a rewarding work environment, and leverage technology are essential elements the company must Include when setting measures under Its Innovation and learning perspective.Internal Business Perspective Chadwick Inc. Needs to implement internal business measures to meet its customers expectations. By identifying and measuring specific goals such as new compound velveteen, excellence in manufacturing and new product introduction, Chadwick will ensure its continued market leadership. New compound development will be measured by the number of products in development and focusing on three factors: will make it through, attrition can determine the number of compounds needed in each stage to ensure registration.Cycle time will measure the amount of time it takes for a compound to go through the entire process from development to market introduction. Funding will determine how many projects the company can financially support throughout the year. Based on the three factors, management will be able to calculate how many compounds are needed in each development stage and identify any gaps in its strategy. Chadwick needs to continue its excellence in manufacturing. Creating a quality product at a reasonable cost will ensure customer loyalty and drive profits.The manufacturing development will measur e the unit cost of each drug. Also it will measure the cycle time of each drug focusing on quickness and efficiency. Management will be able to calculate if a certain drug takes longer, or is more expensive to manufacture, and make changes accordingly to minimize cost and improve lead time. Product introduction will be measured by the time it takes to market the newly approved drug. It will also measure the costs associated with introducing the new drug, such as advertisement and incentives to distributors.Management will be able to track each drug and determine if there are any delays in the distributing and marketing process Customer Perspective Customer retention is one of the most important parts in keeping a company going strong. Chadwick must realize that the customer's opinions, finances, and willingness to buy their products are significant in moving forward. One way that Chadwick can see what customers are thinking is to have a section on their website that allows them to a sk questions about the products and to express their concerns about the products that might not be working.If the company provides this option on their website, the innovation and learning perspective can focus on ways to improve the products and keep the customers coming back for more. Another way to see what customers think of the company and its products is to ask them directly, whether it's sending them a survey in the mail or asking them at the doctor's office. These surveys can include questions that refer to which products are effective and not effective, which products consumers tend to purchase, which products people can afford, ask if the products are delivered promptly, and ask whether or not they are satisfied with the service.Since Chadwick is always looking to grow in quarterly sales and increase market share, it is important to see what customers are willing to pay for and which products they are purchasing. It is important to find out which products are not being sol d so Chadwick can take those items off the shelves and save money. Chadwick must see who its target consumers are; they have to find out which age range, gender, and race purchase the products. In order to keep Chadwick customers coming back, Chadwick must provide them with the best products and services.Another great way to stay in touch with customers is a loyalty program. It's a great way to use the email marketing tool and Chadwick can send its loyal customers special offers and let them know about upcoming events and new products. To make the customers feel appreciated, Chadwick can send out birthday greetings with gifts or special offers. This personal touch helps customers understand that Chadwick alee them as individuals and invites more loyalty and trust. Lastly, Chadwick needs to keep its loyal customers involved so Chadwick must ask for their opinions on the that would alienate its loyal customers.From a consumer perspective, a loyal customer would love to have a say in t hings and provide an invaluable incite on the upcoming business plan. After the decision is reached, their word of mouth marketing will achieve more success than almost any type of advertising or marketing efforts Chadwick employ. Financial Perspective Financial performance and measurements continue to be the crucial measurements or both the company and the company's shareholders. Financial goals have been set to determine profitability, growth, and shareholder value. Chadwick, Inc. Seed Return on Capital Employed (ROCK) to control the returns from the most profitable divisions and transfer the excess to those divisions that held out the highest promise for profitable growth. Chadwick implemented the reporting of financial summaries by each division to corporate headquarters. The Chadwick executive committee consisted of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, two Executive Vice Presidents, and the Chief Financial Officer. The executive committee met on a monthly b asis with each division manager to review ROCK performance.In order to improve production within the Norwalk Division, we recommend that Chadwick implement to a total quality management program. This program will measure extensively the factors in employee participation, statistical process control, and key quality indicators. Chadwick can use computerized control and remote data entry systems which can produce daily income statements. This information can be available to the department managers and operating personnel. With this information, the value of output from production process can be estimated.This can be accomplished by using market prices and subtracting the expense of raw materials, energy, and capital consumption in the production process. In conclusion, Chadwick, Inc. Needs to create a clearly defined business vision and strategy to properly apply the Balanced Scorecard Theory. The vision and strategy needs to be implemented from top management. Chadwick measurement sy stem will strongly affect the behavior of management and employees. Monetary incentives can be added to the implementation of this program to make it successful.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Final Project IEP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project IEP - Essay Example Other skills exhibited by gifted and talented children include leadership and organization. These skills are unique and they make talented children standout. However, talented children need special guidance to enable them achieves their potentials and evade destructive behavior (Whtmore & Maker, 1985). Individualized educational systems were found to be critical in enabling the young talents achieve their full potentials. Individualized educational programs, are programs that describes the goals and expectation of a child within an academic year under given conditions and support Adam is a six-year-old boy in the second grade. After his second birthday, his parents started noting a difference in his growth and development as compared to that of his peer. Unlike his peer, Adam had an outstanding ability to read since he was a two-year-old child. However, his parents were not quick to notice that Adam had a unique reading talent. Having a child who is good in almost everything, puts th e child and the parent in an awkward position because, the parents do not want to seem like they view their child as more special than their friend’s children. In addition, Adam wanted to fit in his age group, but his exceptional talents put him in constant trouble. His parents have reported that his interest in various matters is very intriguing. For example, Adam is interested in international and national matters such as environmental issues and terrorism. His curiosity makes him relentless in demanding answers, and he will not give up, until he finds an answer. He cannot stop asking about questions concerning God and life after death, the interesting bit is that, this has gone on for the past one and a half years. Unlike other children, Adam is not only interested in knowing whom God is, but also where he can be found. Adam is also very sensitive and he usually scrutinizes the validity of all responses given to him before accepting them. His talent in visual and performin g arts is evident from his intense interest in music and very impressive drawings, which his parents agree could be on an exhibition wall. Adam’s teachers report that he always wants to please his teachers and, therefore looks for their approval in everything he does. Although this habit might be beneficial to him in the short-term, it might prevent him from acquiring other important skills in life. His ability to grasp concepts is far beyond that of his peers; this makes him to complete his class work before other students. He usually uses his free time staring into space or scribbling imaginary shapes on a piece of paper. Adams prefers the company of children in older grades because; his age mates perceive his intense knowledge about various concepts as abnormal. The fact that his academic performance is excellent also makes him unpopular with his friends. According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, approximately 5-7% of all United States youth and children have a specia l talent in a particular field (Whtmore & Maker, 1985). This translates to about three million children in the country being in possession of a special talent. It has also been noted that the ability of children to grasp concept varies with states. Whereas some states have 5% of their children having this special talent, others have 3% of their total children population. Teachers are therefore required to ensure that such children develop

Friday, September 27, 2019

Writing an annotated bibliography of books. On the topic sex education Research Paper

Writing an annotated bibliography of books. On the topic sex education - Research Paper Example The books aims at creating awareness of marriage as well as advising the couple. The information was gathered from people’s personal experience. The flow of the book is excellent, but it is extremely complicated to get certain information from the book since there are no subheadings. The books also lack the emerging issues since it was authored a while ago. This book evaluates the values in sex education. The book argues that it is difficult to put into action any aspect of sex education if the values are not adhered to. The information of the book relied upon some young people who were involved in sex education. The information and topics are well arranged for easy reference. This book addresses the issue of the same sex relationships and their impact on students. The investigation was conducted in schools where there were students living with people who are gays or lesbians. The book is well organized, and all information is well documented. The book is current and covers a lot of relevant information in my study. The books look into the impact of sex education on social inequality especially gender inequality. The author has researched on school students and how they interact. The author highlight that sex education has a big role I promoting social and sexual injustice. The topics in this book are well arranged making it easy to retrieve information. The book is updated and covers most recent developments in the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Using the media 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Using the media 6 - Assignment Example In order to influence public opinion and as a nurse, I would use the media to apply pressure and advance the public policy issue. This would serve as a way of marshaling the constituents. Additionally, in order to communicate the public policy issue through the media, the message to be conveyed would need to be framed to make the information understandable by the public (Mason et al., 2011). The media can also be ineffective if the messages are conveyed to the wrong target group. It is at this point that I would determine the target group or audience for the communication. The social networking media can be effective means of communicating the public policy issue. A message passed through any of the social media sites and websites such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs can be weighty (Anderson & Puckrin, 2011). Therefore, it would be effective to have a post in all social networking websites and blogs on the current state of the policy issue, and an expounded state of the policy issue a nd comments of a policy maker in an opinion editorial. However, although social networking websites may be helpful in conveying useful information, there are numerous concerns that need to be considered (Miller, 2011). These include privacy and confidentiality of information. Patient confidentiality and privacy is an essential issue that continues to be violated by social media users (Anderson & Puckrin, 2011). It would be ethically and professionally wrong for a nurse to expose patient information without their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Private Life Should Mean What It Says Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Private Life Should Mean What It Says - Essay Example It was therefore not considered to be offensive. Later in October of 1999 when he was asked to declare the organizations with which he was associate, among them he listed the House of Roissy, which did such activities as fire acts and the merchandising of products that were connected with domination bondage and sadomasochism. It was also his acknowledgement that he performed in fetish and hedonist clubs but contended that such would not bring his employers to disrepute. The Assistant Chief of Probation considered this activity as unsuitable for a probation officer. The Human Resource Officer had no issue with the fact that the employee had another paid job outside his normal employment but whether or not, given that he was a public servant and a member of the criminal justices system, working with sexual offenders and several other groups that were considered vulnerable, the employees activities during his private time were commensurate with the role that he was playing in the societ y and if the public could trust him. This is despite the fact that they had not been offended by his performance but rather by the fact that he was expressing himself in a way that would otherwise be considered offensive by the victims of the people he was dealing with. The employee was dismissed and his dismissal was upheld when he appealed. It was the view of both disciplinary panels that the probation service had the responsibility to the public to show them that it had integrity and so did its officers and that if the public knew the activities that this particular employee was engaged in, it could ruin the reputation of the service. This is based on the fact that probation in itself was aimed at reforming the people in the society who were now considered a... This report stresses that the law of unfair dismissal is a part of private and not public law. So are many regulations that government employment, in both public and private sector. While there are regulations that may be in the interest of the public, private remains exactly that, private. There are many principles of public law that have been imported into the regulations that govern the relationship between an employee and his employer because of the rules of natural justice. This is mostly because these two share several common and essential features especially in the review of decisions and the manner in which such decisions are made and reached. This paper makes a conclusion that given the inevitable compromise and balance between work life and private life and the commitments involved in both particularly in matters relation to family issues, it is necessary to strike a balance between what is significant to the reputation of the employers or the duties of an employee and what is not. The reality of the circumstance that surrounds every case has to be considered. What should also be reviewed are the terms and conditions of employment, be they express or implied. This is because letting employers determine what affects their reputation or firm would amount to giving them permission to arbitrarily termination employment contracts on the basis of factors which they consider to be in contravention of the terms of their employment while it is possible they are just negatively stereotyped towards certain activities or beliefs of the employee.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Role of International Non-Government Organizations Essay

Role of International Non-Government Organizations - Essay Example Risk identification is basically a process that allows an organization or a company to identify any potential risks that the organization faces. Risk identification is the first and one of the main steps of the risk management process. Organizations usually carry out risk management to ensure that their assets and their operations are not damaged by a certain imminent threat. In case the company is unable to prevent any threat from occurring the organization implements certain measures that ensure that the damage is kept to a minimum (Karolak, 1995).In this paper, the author will evaluate how the tourism industry of Thailand recovered from the aftermath of Tsunami in 2004 and what role was played by government, NGOs and other stakeholders in helping the industry to return to its usual form. The tsunami of December 2004 affected six provinces along Thailand’s Andaman coast. It had an impact on 407 villages, completely destroying 47 of them, and killing more than 8,200 people. As of December 2005, 929 bodies remained unidentified, though by May 2006 this number had been reduced to around 500Í ¾ these bodies are at the Bang Maruan cemetery in Tsunami that disrupted the environment and created economic problems for the country required a coordinated relief effort supported by the government and international agencies to prevent further destruction, build back Thailand and its tourism sector. In this regard, it is essential to take into consideration the role of the non-profitable organizations like NGO’s who played their part in integrating all the activities related to crises management. There were many national and international operations carried out who had the purpose of delivering aid to the affected persons. However, there were many difficulties faced by these non-government organizations.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Environmental Regulation and Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Regulation and Protection - Essay Example The political factors include; environmental regulation and protection, consumer protection, international trade regulations, employment laws, taxation, and competition regulations among others. Environmental Regulation and Protection The government through Environmental Protection Agency imposes various rules and regulations to protect the environment. These rules impact on businesses directly especially the manufacturing industries which are high pollutants of environment. Moreover, customers are nowadays buying products from green companies who are environmentally friendly thus putting pressure on businesses to go green (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).Those businesses who have not appreciated green strategies thus risk losing their businesses. The New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) is the body concerned with environmental regulation through Protection of Environment Operations Act (PEOA) of 1997. Businesses are supposed to acquire licenses and carry out environmental training for the staff. Strict penalties and fines are applied to those individuals and businesses that contravene the law and pollute water, air, land and for improper waste management. The organization thus needs to continuously update itself on environmental laws to avoid prosecution. For example, a copper manufacturer was fined $28, 000 for causing toxic overflow in Sydney (NSW, 2011). Fernando (2010) argues that businesses should convert environment issues to their own advantage. Those businesses who protect the environment earn themselves a good reputation. Others engage in continuous innovations hence improving the environment as well as the business. Businesses also are forced to use environmentally friendly product and packages and also processes and these are cost effective. For example, McDonalds was forced to use recycled materials in packaging and transport by customers. Consumer Protection The government has the responsibility of protecting consumers form uncouth businessmen through various measures such as setting quality standards, safety standards and ensuring efficient distribution of goods and services (Fernando 2010). Sometimes, businessmen carry out extensive advertisement of products thus attracting buyers but the goods may be substandard. It is the role of government to ensure all relevant information is put on labels to avoid such instances. It also enforces regulations such as those stipulated on standard weight and measures Act, consumer protection Act among others. Such rules impact on the business as it is required to change its advertising techniques as well as pricing. For example, a government control on cigarettes may force businesses to close or lower production. In India, the Essential Commodity Act of 1955 allows the government to declare any commodity as essential hence control its production and distribution (Fernando, 2010). International Trade Regulations Most countries have opened their borders to free trad e but sometimes, they enforce trade restrictions to protect critical industries from competition. Most countries have also entered into trade agreements with trading partners and these agreements form basis for international trade rules. For example, World Trade Organization (WTO), North America

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Service Workers Essay Example for Free

Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Service Workers Essay Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Service Workers Human service workers are people who are chosen to work with people. Human service workers help clients become more self-sufficient. The workers are there to help what issues the client is currently experiencing to be handled with some ease. Human services workers evaluate and plan, put the plan into action, and provide emotional support (Moffat, 2011). These workers help in the mental health care because they allow the person to become a part of their treatment and believe that someone is on his or her side. Human service workers work in many capacities in the mental health care system and other agencies. They have to meet clients at the level in which they understand and operate. They not only help the client, but also help bridge family input to help the client adjust. Human service workers become vital in the recovery process. Human Service Workers in the Mental Health Service are social workers who strive to make better options for their clients. They help the client obtain the treatment they require and in some instances if family connections are needed they help restore him or her. Human service workers become a part of a client’s life until he or she can enter mainstream America and survive on his or her own. Surviving on their own may not always be an option and the assistance of other agencies, families, and workers are vital to the clients survival. The human services worker is like a life coach to the client. Each session has to provide them with a life skill and an assignment for them to complete. This is part of the recovery process because there is an ending to this process. It is done in stages, and it is a lesson learned every time. The human services worker becomes a part of the client’s life but must recognize that once the session ends he or she progresses on to the next client and assist them with their concerns. The client has to know that in that moment that he or she matter. Personal characteristics of people differ for those of a career in human services. Human service workers have to understand that a career in this field is a calling and not a choice. To work with people and make them feel as if they matter is a calling and not something they choose to be good at. Human service workers have to be personal, friendly, willing to go the extra mile, and fight on behalf of the client. The person has to relate to people and understand his or her level to understand. The characteristics that I feel are most important are able to meet people on their level and know that sometimes you have to change your manner of speech. Empathy is a characteristic is useful in being a human services and one that I do not show very often. I have sympathy, but empathy is something that I personally have to work on. In addition to the empathy leadership is a characteristic and the most important is communication. You must be able to communicate with the client, your peers, and other agencies to complete your task of helping your client. Empowerment would be a huge characteristic as well. This will give you a feeling of being able to do what needs to be done within your scope of available resources. This makes human service workers effective in the jobs they do and meeting the needs of the clients they assist. I know you must separate your personal feelings from your professional feelings. An effective worker knows how to separate them and make sure that the lines do not cross. Human service workers are needed to help with facilitating the assistance that some clients need and without their help agencies would not be able to be effective. Human service workers have a definite position and the must also exhibit certain characteristics that make them worthy of the position they hold as well as the work they do. The thought process for human services can occur in different manners. Most agencies that provide human services are nonprofit. One of the largest nonprofit organizations that help in human services is the church. They may not provide mental services but the do provide assistance and are also able to direct individuals as well as families to other agencies that may also offer assistance. The church in its capacity may provide living arrangements, food vouchers, or even some travel expenses. The church will help those in the community it is in or the members who attend. The church I am most familiar with is my church. The church has a benevolent committee that assists members as well as others in the community. If there is a need the church tries to fulfill that need. Our benevolent committee will meet with the person who has a need, such as paying their electrical bill. The person needs to provide a copy of his or her electrical bill for review. They also have rules and guidelines as well and one rule is that you cannot request the assistance of the committee but one-time within a 90 day time frame. Special circumstances occur in agencies whether private or public services and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Example of how services are provided. A family had come to the area, and they were struggling. The husband was the only one working at a minimum wage job, the wife was pregnant, and he and she were about to be evicted from his and her apartment. The attended church but no one knew his and her struggle. Upon learning in their struggle it was learned that they did not have a fully furnished apartment. Our benevolent committee was notified of this and went into effect. They assisted in getting the apartment rent current, paid the electrical bill, and other necessities bills that were not current. The family was then taken to the grocery store and other cleaning supplies. The church family, which was not a part of the benevolent committee but saw the need went into effect and donated furnishings to the family, which included living room furniture, dining room furniture, and bedroom furniture. These items were much needed and the family truly appreciated them and as things occur when you believe in a higher power the husband was offered employment that allowed him to leave his minimum wage job. The services of the church as a nonprofit human services advocate shows that help is available. Mental Health Services are most commonly linked to human service workers. Mental Health Services can be a good option to some, and it can also follow under corrupt actions by family members who abuse the assistance offered. The good is offered by mental health services and the human service workers who work on their behalf is funded by the states. Human service workers who work for the state and help families apply for services and funds that are available for their way of living. The state funded agencies will allow clients to have housing at a reduced amount as well as qualify for Medicaid, food stamps, and a government checks. These checks give the client a level of freedom and a normalcy to living. Social Security Disability (SSI or SSDI) is offered to families whether they are children or adults. Not everyone qualifies for these benefits, but it is the job of the human services worker to help with filing for these services and the individual to supply the worker with the information needed to ensure services are provided. I know of a child who was born prematurely, and she was able to obtain SSI benefits due to her being born before the mothers estimated due date. This provided the mother the option to purchase items needed for the child. The above is the good that comes from receiving SSI. There are some corrupt individuals who receive disability checks. I say corrupt because the person who helps oversee the individuals that receive the checks does not use them in the manner in which who are supposed to. The human service worker does not have any control over the individuals and who they designate as his or her caretaker. I know of a family in which they receive five SSI checks in their household. However, the person designated as the caretaker does not take care of the individuals who receive the checks. Their household bills are never current and they never have enough to make ends meet until the end of the month. However the caretaker does just enough to keep the family a float and uses the majority to take care of her family. For example the family in which the five checks are disbursed to have had to move from a three bedroom home to a two bedroom home because they were evicted. The eviction did not come due to the monies not being available, but because the monies were not used to pay rent. The family runs the risk of their utilities disconnected every month as well as the cable television services. The family also receives food stamps, but whenever you visit the family they are always hungry. The amazing thing in this is that the caretaker was recently able to have two new cars added to her household that require a monthly payment yet the caretaker is not willing to provide any transportation services for the individuals who receive the disability checks. This issue is a common known issue among the family yet when the other family members approach her she rejects this information. Adult protective services have been contacted and visits have been made to the house. The caretaker however is always able to pull off a well taken care home. The case manager assigned to the family cannot make any changes to the way the house is run because the person whose name appears on the check is within her sound mind. The effects this type of behavior has on the human services worker is that they work so hard to obtain services for the individuals, and the services are not being disbursed properly. The human services must make sure that in their evaluation they take into consideration the needs of the client and that the needs are being met. Human services workers can be seen as saints in the eyes of some clients and the devil in eyes of others. Human service workers must have the insight to determine legitimate cases yet it is not totally up to their discernments. Human services workers require some type of documentation to support their finding. The findings can be related to mental health services, medical services, and household services. The services have to be justified because many of these services are provided by nonprofit agencies. Everyone wants to feel as if they matter. I believe the goal and the priority of the human service worker. The client has issues or he or she would not have been looking for the help. The skills that the human service worker passes on to the client are useful and become useful to the client. The client begins to gain some self-respect and self-esteem about themselves. They start approaching life differently.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Meaning of Life and Thanksgiving Essay Example for Free

Meaning of Life and Thanksgiving Essay As the first pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock and had a feast with the Indians, they shared a moment of thanks together. They gave thanks for all their blessings, thus, creating our lovely day of Thanksgiving. When Thanksgiving is thought of, the first thing that comes to mind is turkey and a plentiful amount of food. Thanksgiving to me, is the time to be together with the ones you care about. Coming together for a day to just be with each other and to catch up is what Thanksgiving means to me. Family should be with each other to share memories and to realize the plentiful amount of blessings they have been given. Thanksgiving is not only a day for gorging on food or falling into a food coma, but talking with each other and just being glad to be with one another. Having family during Thanksgiving is a crucial part in my life. Having all of my relatives in one place for one day to talk and have fun with them makes Thanksgiving extra special for me. It is one of the few days of the year that I get to see everybody. The turkey, yams, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes is just the icing on the cake. Everybody in my family loves the food. We eat and eat until we cant eat anymore. My family has a tradition of playing soccer afterwards but that goes only so far due to our full stomachs. My cousins and I play a friendly game of poker, afterwards our failed attempts for soccer, for first dibs on dessert. After a good game of poker, my cousins and I look for ways to entertain ourselves meanwhile the adults talk about their lives and brag about their kids. Society today makes Thanksgiving look like a day just to eat. As society advances the meaning of Thanksgiving deteriorates into a secular holiday. The meaning of Thanksgiving seems obsolete. I truly believe that Thanksgiving should be refreshed in its meaning and should be celebrated with family and love. As people come together to share a special day in our history, this should be a day which people will not take for granted.