Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Positives of Online Gaming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Positives of Online Gaming - Essay Example The term online gaming is used to refer to the technology through which gamers connect with each other and play different kinds varieties of games over different forms of computer based networks such as the internet. Online games can be played along with other gamers throughout the world and individuals can even play these games at the individual level. For several years, stakeholders such as parents, teachers and researchers have stated that online gaming is a devil and is negatively impacting the society. Several problems such as obesity, decrease in socialization and online gaming addiction have been associated with online games (Wilkinson 6). Online games are not really as bad as portrayed and have several benefits including: helps individuals and children create friends and relationships; cope with emotional issues and helps in expression of creativity. Body Online video games help children socialize and make more friends. Online video games are mostly criticized by parents beca use they believe that these video games are making their children lonely and completely removed from the society. They believe that their children are so involved in online gaming that they tend to ignore other important activities such as socialization. The reality is that online video games are played individually as well as with players all over the world. When players from different parts of the world join together in online gaming, they tend to create friendly relationships and thus their level of socialization increases. According to Yee, online gamers do not only play online games to compete against each other, they even play games to connect with other online gamers. Yee conducted a study on 30,000 online video game players for several years and these players were involved in playing online MMORPG games which included the game named Everquest (Yee 322). Through this research, Yee figured out that around 54% of the female online game players and 30% of the male online game pl ayers had ample amount of trust in their online gaming friends and had shared their secrets with them (Yee 327). Online video games assist children in coping with their emotional issues. Children experience a lot of emotional issues on daily basis; they experience emotional issues as a result of hazardous conditions at their homes and problems such as child abuse. They may not be direct victims of household abuse but they may witness a loved one such as a mother being abused and they may feel the emotional stress and anger caused due to such abuses. Children even experience emotional issues as a result of being bullied or due to their failure to achieve good grades. In order to cope with these issues they use online video games to forget these issues and change their emotional state. A study was conducted by Cheryl K. Olson and through this study; the researcher figured out that 62% of the boys and 44% of the girls who were surveyed stated that they used video games in order to gain relaxation and to fight emotional issues such as anger (Olson 182). Online videos games are of diverse nature and design and these games helps children in using their creative side of cognition. Parents are of the idea that children who are continuously involved in online video games

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Water pollution in Washington DC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Water pollution in Washington DC - Essay Example Recent studies have shown that the water in the river of Washington DC has been found to be extremely contaminated. The wildlife is suffering from this polluted water to such an extent that the fish are displaying instability in their traits. Poor sewerage systems and outdated treatment processes in the metropolitans throughout all the inhabited continents of the world has created inconvenience for the residents of these metropolitan cities of the world and the rivers are extremely polluted as a result making the river water inappropriate for consumption. It is not just the humans who have been affected as a result of this ignorance on the part of the authorities but also the wildlife. Although a majority of the major metropolitan cities have been slow to react to the developments such as population increase and geographic expansions, one of the most prominent and most affected cities as a result of water pollution is Washington DC. This is why I am writing in this newspaper in order to highlight the areas where these problems are at their worst and how these issues can be addressed by the government authorities as well as on a private basis. A huge proportion of the sewage and contaminated water has been disposed off into rivers which pollutes the water and makes it unusable and medically disastrous for those who consume the river water as well as the wildlife. Recent studies have shown that the water in the river of Washington DC has been found to be extremely contaminated. The wildlife is suffering from this polluted water to such an extent that the fish are displaying instability in their traits. Many fish have even been found out to be intersex in nature. By intersex in this case means that many male fish have shown signs of feminine fertility. This is something of a great worry for the authorities as this means that not only the water in these rivers is bad for human health but also these fish are unfit for consumption by the people. Research studies have shown that many of the sample male fish of the rivers of Washington DC have displayed mixed sexual behaviors and patterns such as sign of fertility in the testes of male fish (Goldenberg). Authorities on often occasions have tried to curtail this pollution process of the river water but their efforts have gone in vain so far. Either the authorities do not consider the problems to the right measure or they are short of resources and planning to solve this problem. The sewerage system working right now in Washington DC is extremely outdated and unable to fulfill the demands of the current population. The system that has been running the sewage water to the treatment plant and further was installed in the 1960’s and at that time, the population of the city was very low when it is compared to the current population. The treatment system is simply not good or updated enough to fulfill the demands of the current era. The Washington DC has a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) system ins talled which means that when the rainfall is at its peak, this system is up and running and it has a lot of water to carry to the treatment plant and eventually into the river. The system carries water from the rain which then flows into these drains and the sewage water as well. When the water pressure in this drainage system is very high, the water inflow exceeds the capacity of the sewage water treatment plant and thus much of the water overflows and the untreated water flow into the river. It has been estimated that around 52 million gallons of untreated sewage water flows into the river at an annual basis (Rock Creek Conservancy). This is an alarming figure since this much toxic water is capable enough of destroying the purity of the river in the long run. As I have mentioned earlier, the authorities have shown little interest in improving this situation either due to their ignorance or that they are short of resources to be allocated to this sector. However sooner or later, th e related government departments, NGO’s and the general public will have to realize that this ignorance will cost the city and the people themselves very dearly. Therefore, the concerned authorities

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History of African Law

History of African Law It would be impossible to provide a history of African law without exploring the major influences of the European countries that colonised most of the African continent in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries. The major legal influences in the African continent come mostly from English, French and Dutch law, as those were the main colonisers in this area. The different countries that brought their laws with them when they took over control of the particular countries have moulded the law in Africa in their own image. Some of the oldest legal systems in the world began first in Africa many thousands of years ago. For example the laws of Ancient Egypt utilised a particular type of civil code, which was based on the concept of Ma’at. The Ma’at was an informal system involving such principles of social equality and impartiality. The Maat was portrayed as being responsible for the regulation of the seasons, stars and the actions of both mortals and the deities. Some of th e laws of the countries in Northern Africa are still primarily based upon on French and Islamic law. One example of this is Algeria, which remained under direct French rule for over one hundred years and it is plain to see the French legal influences in many different areas of their legal system. Algeria became a sovereign state in 1962 but still retains many facets of Roman law that it has inherited from the French colonialists. A brief summary of the legal history of the entire African continent is impractical and so the focus of this piece will be mainly on the history of South African law as it is demonstrative of the continent as a whole, as it contains all the same themes that are present in the majority of African countries. South Africa has a mixed legal system, comprised of the combining of several distinct legal traditions. The original Dutch colonisers in the Seventeenth century brought with them a civil law system; a common law system was inherited from the later English colonisers in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, and indigenous law, often referred to as African ‘customary law’. The interrelationship between these individual traditions is very complex, with the influence of English law being the most noticeable in procedural characteristics of their legal system and set up and methods of judiciary. There is a major Roman law influence in the legal system in addition, which is most visible in its substantive private law. More recently in the late Twentieth century another component has been added to this mix and that is the constitution. This interrelation of vastly different legal systems and methods is visible throughout the continent and no exploration of the history of African law would be complete without an analysis of the individual sources of this law itself. Throughout the majority of the African continent it is most difficult to discover the history of the legal systems that were in existence prior to the Europeans arriving. The reason for this is because with the exception of a few countries such as Egypt, there was no formal written history of laws in most African countries. Seemingly to amplify this problem was the failure of the Dutch, British and other European regimes to record the laws of pre-colonial Africa. From the middle of the Seventeenth century, with the arrival of Dutch explorers in the Cape of Good Hope, the spread of the Roman-Dutch based legal system gathered momentum and quickly became the recognised legal system of not only South Africa but the majority of African countries The situation for many years in South Africa was wherever British law does not stand, Roman-Dutch law forms the fall back to which the country looks towards to ensure clarity in its law. In the case of South Africa, which is highlighted in many ot her countries including Zimbabwe, after the Second World War, Britain and the other European colonists of Africa gradually lost influence and this led to the creation of numerous Republican regimes. The Republic of South Africa was formed in 1961, but many of English laws and facets of the English legal system were incorporated into and now form the bedrock of South African law. The current situation in South Africa is that the fundamental source of laws in the country is the 1996 Constitution, which was formed by virtue of the Constitution of South Africa Act 1996. Any law or action that breaches the provisions of this Constitution is illegal. The sources of South Africas law have been briefly explored above and will now be further elaborated upon. The current position in South Africa reflects the situation in many post-colonial African nations in terms of the sources of its legal system. It is made up of the following components: Statutory law which is formed by the legislative institution It is the codified part of the South African Law. These laws are contained in Acts and various subordinate legislation, which is passed by the Parliament of South Africa Common law, which comprises of judicial precedent taken from case law, which is based on the same tradition of precedent as that which applies in England and Wales and from case law and the Roman Dutch ‘old authorities’. Roman Dutch Law, which is prevalent throughout large parts of Southern Africa, is a legal system that is fundamentally based on Roman law. This was the legal system that was operative in the Netherlands throughout the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries. There are many African countries whose legal systems are still based upon Roman Dutch law and Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia are the most prominent examples. African customary law Foreign and international law. The laws of South Africa that are not contained in Acts passed by Parliament are those based on common law. The development of the Common Law system of South Africa is made possible by the fact that the South African courts follow the UK system of legal precedent or ‘stare decisis’.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Compare and contrast two poems that contain different representations :: English Literature:

Compare and contrast two poems that contain different representations of school pupils. 'Comprehensive' is a representation of a comprehensive school, in the way that the diverse mixture of cultures are included in the poem. Each pupil has a different life and culture, and the pitfalls of comprehensive schools are clearly shown by the way in which each pupil is represented. The first pupil is African, and homesick, and is not happy in England. It seems as though she misses her culture, and feels as though she is being stifled by the British culture. This is also true of 'In Which The Ancient History I learn Is Not My Own.' The boy represented in this poem is homesick, and also feels stifled by the British culture, due to the fact that he is being almost forced into it, thus not allowing him to enjoy his own Irish culture. The teacher wants him to learn 'The English Kings, the famous battles and God's grace in History' which causes him to begin to forget his own History, which he is desperately trying to hold on to. The second pupil in 'Comprehensive' is a boy named 'Wayne,' who is depicted as a stereotypical boy. He is precocious in the way he thinks he is 'too old for games' and believes he is old enough to support something so controversial, when clearly he does not understand it to a full extent. He holds a very patriarchal view, especially when it comes to women. He believes that they are there to have their knickers pulled down, as it were and cook for him. Such a strong attitude as this for a pupil of only fourteen years of age inevitably will cause friction between him and his peers and teachers. And in a school of mixed culture, this would not bode well. Although the teacher has not such a derogatory attitude as Wayne, she is similar in the way that she has very strong views that she places upon the young Irish boy in, 'In Which The Ancient History Is Not My Own.' The Teacher is very patriotic, and expects the pupil of a completely different culture to be the same about England. An example of this is when the teacher describes the Roman Empire as 'the greatest Empire ever known- until our time of course.' This is the kind of attitude that is almost stripping the boy of his patriotism of his own land, and restricting him from learn about his own History. He has had to take on another cultures history and been forced to take it on as his own. Similarities can be made between the young Irish boy and 'Ejaz' and

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Examining the Skills of Marin Luther King Jr. and Oprah Winfrey

Martin Luther King Jr. and Oprah Winfrey used power to help others. King helped others by leading people in a time when minorities were fighting for equal rights. Winfrey helps people through recognition and donations in areas of education, healthcare and advocacy for women and children. They have been most successful with referent power in their accomplishments. King’s attitude and personality attracted people to follow him; he created a vision that inspired people. Oprah has created strong interpersonal ties between herself and her audience.She uses her recovery as an abuse survivor to inspire people and she focuses on issues in ordinary people’s lives. Oprah however has been more successful with reward power. She has the funds to reward her employees and guests with material things. Both leaders have influenced many people. Oprah and King used rational persuasion and inspirational appeal; everything they stand for is logical by principal and their values are moral. O prah uses consultation inspiration, ingratiating tactics and personal appeal. She influences others to help by showing her own emotions on certain subjects.Because Oprah can effectively relate to others; people have a tendency to relate to her emotions and follow her. While King has used these tactics he is more known for his coalition, pressure and legitimating tactics. King used his role as minister in legitimating and followers supported his beliefs on civil rights because they believed in the same ideas. Most people during this time were either for or against civil rights. For people against these rights King used pressure tactics through marches and protests. These acts were nonviolent and peaceful but still a demand for equal rights.There are many similarities when comparing King and Oprah’s traits. Both have strong moral values which supports honesty, they inspire people by promoting great expectations for the future, and they both use their competence and intelligence in the things they are advocates for. King was intelligent when it came to human rights because he was a minister, followers found him competent. Oprah’s intelligence in TV shows and public involvement have made her competent in her business. King’s social awareness is what fueled his purpose for everything he did during the civil rights movement.Oprah has proficient self-management skills, her goals are based on her personal beliefs and she uses great relationship management to gain support and accomplish her goals. Oprah and King both behaved as a team leader. According to Dr. Robert Blake and Dr. Jane Mouton, these leaders will contribute and are committed, can motivate and are motivated while holding the belief that trust, respect, commitment and employee empowerment are essential for fostering a team environment where team members are motivated, thus resulting in maximum satisfaction as well as the most efficient productivity (http://www. eadership-central. com, 2013). I cannot come up with a better way to describe both King and Oprah. The Ohio State model identifies two dimensions of leadership behavior, initiating structure and consideration. Oprah supports initiating structure by showing examples of what should be done. Her examples are extreme because she has the funds to support them, but the impacts of her contributions are inspiring to others. King uses consideration effectively. He showed concern for the well being of minorities and guided them to take action.Because King was also a minority his followers understood in his concern. If I had the choice to work for King or Oprah I would choose Oprah. The basis of my decision is her involvement in numerous worthy causes that are relevant to today. If I was alive and faced this decision while King was alive I would choose King because civil rights were a pressing concern during that time. I believe both have been great leaders and are inspiring to many people. ? References Kinicki, A. , & Williams, B. K. (2011).Management: A practical introduction (5th ed. , pp. 438-449). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Leadership-central. (2013). Managerial Grid Model, also known as Leadership Grid. Retrieved March 21, 2013, from http://www. leadership-central. com Free Republic. (2008). Oprah Ranked Most Generous Celebrity. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://www. freerepublic. com Center for Consciousness Research and Transformation. (2007). Martin Luther King – Time, Power and Agency. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://www. theccrt. com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Process Of Blurring Of Images Health And Social Care Essay

Blurring is a procedure of bandwidth decrease of an object ideal image which leads to the imperfect image formation procedure. This imperfectness may be due by comparative gesture between the camera and the object, or by an optical lens system being out of focus.Blurs can be introduced by atmospheric turbulency, aberrances in the optical system When aerial exposure are produced for distant detection intents. Beyond optical images instances like, electron micrographs are corrupted by spherical aberrances of the negatron lenses, and CT scans enduring from X-ray spread can besides take to film overing. Other than film overing effects, noise ever corrupts any recorded image. Noise can be caused because of many factors like device through which the image is created, by the recording medium, by measurement mistakes because of limited truth of the recording system, or by quantisation of the information for digital storage. The field of image Restoration ( image deblurring or image deconvolution ) is the procedure of Reconstruction or appraisal of the ideal image from a blurred and noisy one. Basically, it tries to execute an reverse operation of the imperfectnesss in the image formation system. The map behind degrading system and the noise are assumed to be known a priori in this Restoration procedure. But obtaining this information straight from the image formation procedure may non be posible in practial instance. Blur designation efforts to gauge the properties of the progressive imaging system from the observed degraded image itself before the Restoration procedure. A combination a pplication of image Restoration along with the fuzz designation is called as blind image deconvolution [ 11 ] . Image Restoration algorithms differs from image sweetening methods which are based on theoretical accounts for the degrading procedure and for the ideal image. Powerful Restoration algorithms can be generated in the presence a reasonably accurate fuzz theoretical account. In many practical scenario mold of the fuzz is non executable, rendering Restoration impossible. The restriction of fuzz theoretical accounts is frequently a factor of letdown. In other manner we must noe that if none of the fuzz theoretical accounts described in our work are applicable, so the corrupted image may good be beyond Restoration. So the implicit in fact is, alternatively of how much powerful blur designation and Restoration algorithms may be, the aim when capturing an image undeniably is to avoid the demand for reconstructing the image. All image Restoration methods that are described, fall under the category of additive spatially invariant Restoration filters. The blurring map assumed to Acts of the Apostless as a whirl meat or point-spread map vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) that does non vary spatially. Furthermore the statistical belongingss ( mean and correlativity map ) of the image and noise assume to be unchanged spatially. In these specfied restraints Restoration procedure can be carried out by agencies of a additive filter whose point-spread map is spatially invariant, i.e. , is changeless throughout the image. These patterning premises can be formulated mathmatically as follows. Leta degree Fahrenheit ( n1, n2 ) denotes the coveted ideal spatially distinct image free of any fuzz or noise, so the recorded image g ( n1, n2 ) is modeled as ( see besides Figure 1a ) [ 1 ] : is the noise which corrupts the bleary image. Here the aim of image Restoration is doing an estimation of the ideal image, given merely the bleary image, the blurring map and some information about the statistical belongingss of the ideal image and the noise. Figure 1: ( a ) Model for image formation in the spacial sphere. ( B ) Model for image formation in the Fourier sphere Equation ( 1 ) can be instead defined through its spectral equality. By using distinct Fourier transforms to ( 1 ) , we obtain the undermentioned representation ( see besides Figure 1b ) : Here are the spacial frequence co-ordinates, and capitals letters denote Fourier transforms. Either of ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) can be used for building Restoration algorithms. In pattern the spectral representation widely used since it leads to efficient executions of Restoration filters in the ( distinct ) Fourier sphere. In ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , the noise is modeled as an linear term. Typically the noise is considered to be iid which has zero mean, by and large referred as white noise, i.e. spatially uncorrelated. In statistical footings this can be expressed as follows [ 15 ] : Here denotes the discrepancy or power of the noise and denotes the expected value operator. The approximative equality suggests equation ( 3 ) should keep on the norm, but that for a given image ( 3 ) holds merely about as a consequence of replacing the outlook by a pixelwise summing up over the image. Sometimes the noise can be described of incorporating Gaussian chance denseness map, but for none of the Restoration algorithms described in our work is compulsory. In general the noise may non be independent of the ideal image. This may be due to the fact that the image formation procedure may incorporate non-linear constituents, or the noise can be multiplicative alternatively of linear. The mentioned dependence is really frequently hard to pattern or to gauge. Hence, noise and ideal image are by and large assumed to be extraneous, that is tantamount to being uncorrelated because the noise has zero-mean. So mathematically the undermentioned status holds: Models ( 1 ) – ( 4 ) organize the rudimentss for the category of additive spatially invariant image Restoration [ 26 ] along with blur designation algorithms. In peculiar these theoretical accounts are applicable to monochromatic images. For colour images, two attacks can be considered. Firslty, we extend equations ( 1 ) – ( 4 ) to integrate multiple colour constituents. In batch of instances this is so the proper manner of patterning the job of colour image Restoration as the debasements of the different colour constituents like the tristimulus signals red-green-blue, luminance-hue-saturation, or luminance-chrominance are dependent among them [ 26 ] . This formulates a category of algorithms known as â€Å" multi-frame filters † [ 5,9 ] . A 2nd, more matter-of-fact, manner of covering with colour images for presuming the noises and fuzzs in each of the colour constituents to be independent. Restoration procedure of the colour constituents can so be carried out i ndependently [ 26 ] , presuming each colour constituent being regarded as a monochromatic image by itself, pretermiting the other colour constituents. Though evidently this theoretical account might be erroneous, acceptable consequences have been shown to be achieved following this procedure. Background When a exposure is taken in low light conditions or of a fast moving object, gesture fuzz can do important debasement of the image. This is caused by the comparative motion between the object and the detector in the camera while the shutter opens. Both the object traveling and camera shake contribute to this blurring. The job is peculiarly evident in low light conditions when the exposure clip can frequently be in the part of several seconds. Many methods are available for forestalling image gesture film overing at the clip of image gaining control and besides station processing images to take gesture fuzz subsequently. Equally good as in every twenty-four hours picture taking, the job is peculiarly of import to applications such as picture surveillance where low quality cameras are used to capture sequences of exposure of traveling objects ( normally people ) . Presently adopted techniques can be categorized as followers: Better hardware in the optical system of the camera to avoid unstabilisation. Post processing of the image to unblur by gauging the camera ‘s gesture From a individual exposure ( blind deconvolution ) From a sequence of exposure A intercrossed attack that measures the camera ‘s gesture during photograph gaining control. Figure2: Gesture Blur IMAGE BLUR MODEL Image fuzz is a common job. It may be due to the point spread map of the detector, detector gesture, or other grounds. Figure.3: Image Blur Model Process Linear theoretical account of observation system is given as g ( x, y ) = degree Fahrenheit ( x, y ) * H ( x, y ) + tungsten ( x, y ) CAUSES OF BLURRING The blur consequence or the debasement factor of an image can be due to many factors like: 1. Relative gesture during the procedure of image capturing utilizing camera or due to comparaitively long exposure times by the topic. 2. Out-of-focus by lens, usage of a extremely bulging lens, air current, or a short exposure clip taking to decrease of photons counts captured. 3. Scattered light disturbance confocal microscopy. Negative EFFECTS OF MOTION BLUR For telecasting athleticss where camera lens are of conventional types, they expose images 25 or 30 times per 2nd [ 23,24 ] . In this instance gesture fuzz can be avoided because it obscures the exact place of a missile or jock in slow gesture.Special cameras are used in this instances which can extinguish gesture blurring by taking images per 1/1000 2nd, and so conveying them over the class of the following 1/25 or 1/30 of a 2nd [ 23 ] . Although this gives sharper clear slow gesture rematchs, it can look unnatural at natural velocity because the oculus expects to see gesture film overing. Sometimes, procedure of deconvolution can take gesture fuzz from images. BLURRING The starting measure performed in the additive equation mentioned merely earlier is for making a point spread map to add fuzz to an image. The fuzz created utilizing a PSF filter in MATLab that can come close the additive gesture fuzz. This PSF was so convoluted with the original image to bring forth a bleary image. Convolution is a mathematical procedure by which a signal is assorted with a filter in order to happen the resulting signal. Here signal is image and the filter is the PSF. The denseness of fuzz added to the original image is dependent on two parametric quantities of the PSF, length of fuzz, and the angle created in the fuzz. These properties can be adjusted to bring forth different denseness of fuzz, but in most practical instances a length of 31 pels and an angle of 11 grades were found to be sufficient for gesture fuzz to the image. KNOWN PSF DEBLURRING After a distinct sum of fuzz was assorted to the original image, an effort was made to reconstruct the bleary image to recover the original signifier of the image. This can be achieved utilizing several algorithms. In our intervention, a bleary image, I, consequences from: I ( ten ) =s ( x ) *o ( x ) +n ( x ) Here ‘s ‘ is the PSF which gets convolved with the ideal image ‘o ‘ . Additionally, some linear noise factor, ‘n ‘ may be present in the medium of image gaining control. The good known method Inverse filter, employs a additive deconvolution method. Because the Inverse filter is a additive filter, it is computationally easy but leads to poorer consequences in the presence of noise. APPLICATIONS OF MOTION BLUR Photography When a image is captured usig a camera, alternatively of inactive case of the object the image represents the scene over a short period of clip which may include certain gesture. During the motion of the objects in a scene, an image of that scene is expected to stand for an integrating of all places of the corresponding objects along with the motion of camera ‘s point of view, during the period of exposure determined by the shutter velocity [ 25 ] . So the object traveling with regard to the camera appear blurred or smeared along with the way of comparative gesture. This smearing may either on the object that is traveling or may impact the inactive background if the camera is really traveling. This may gives a natural inherent aptitude in a movie or telecasting image, as human oculus behaves in a similar manner. As blur gets generated due to the comparative gesture between the camera and objects and the background scene, this can be avoided if the camera can track these traveling objects. In this instance, alternatively of long exposure times, the objects will look sharper but the background will look more bleary. COMPUTER ANIMATION Similarly, during the real-time computing machine life procedure each frame shows a inactive case in clip with zero gesture fuzz. This is the ground for a video game with a 25-30 frames per second will look staggered, while in the instance of natural gesture which is besides filmed at the same frame rate appears instead more uninterrupted. These following coevals picture games include gesture fuzz characteristic, particularly for simulation of vehicle games. During pre-rendered computing machine life ( ex: CGI films ) , as the renderer has more clip to pull each frame realistic gesture fuzz can be drawn [ 25 ] . BLUR MODELS The blurring consequence images modeled as per in ( 1 ) as the whirl procedure of an ideal image with a 2-D point-spread map ( PSF ) . The reading of ( 1 ) is that if the ideal image would dwell of a individual strength point or point beginning, this point would be recorded as a fanned strength pattern1, therefore the name point-spread map. It should be noted that point-spread maps ( PSF ) described here are spatially invariant as they are non a map of the spacial location under consideration. I assumes that the image is blurred in symmetric manner for every spacial location. PSFs that do non follow this premise are generated due to the rotational fuzzs such as turning wheels or local fuzzs for illustration, individual out of focal point while the background is in focal point. Spatially changing fuzzs can degrade the mold, Restoration and designation of images which is outside the range of the presented work and is still a ambitious undertaking. In general blurring procedure of images are spatially uninterrupted in nature. Blur theoretical accounts are represented in their uninterrupted signifiers, followed by their discrete ( sampled ) opposite numbers, as the designation and Restoration algorithms are ever based on spatially distinct images. The image trying rate is assumed to be choosen high plenty so as to minimise the ( aliasing ) mistakes involved reassigning the uninterrupted to distinct theoretical accounts. Spatially uninterrupted PSF of a fuzz by and large satisfies three restraints, as: takes on non-negative values merely, because of the natural philosophies of the implicit in image formation procedure, when covering with real-valued images the point-spread map vitamin D ( x, y ) is real-valued excessively, the imperfectnesss generated during the image formation procedure can be modeled as inactive operations on the information, i.e. no energy gets absorbed or generated. For spatially uninterrupted fuzzs a PSF is has to fulfill and for spatially distinct fuzzs: Following, we will show four normally point-spread maps ( PSF ) , which are common in practical state of affairss of involvement. NO BLUR When recorded image is absolutely imaged, no fuzz is evident to be presnt in the distinct image. So the spatially uninterrupted PSF can be described utilizing a Dirac delta map: and the spatially distinct PSF is described as a unit pulsation: Theoretically ( 6a ) can ne'er be satisfied. However, equation ( 6b ) is possible subjected to the sum of â€Å" distributing † in the uninterrupted image being smaller than the trying grid applied to obtain the distinct image. LINEAR MOTION BLUR By and large gesture fuzz can be distinguished due to comparative gesture between the recording device and the scene. This can be in a line drive interlingual rendition, a rotary motion, due to a sudden alteration of grading, or a certain combinations of these. Here the instance of a planetary interlingual rendition will be considered. When the scene to be recorded gets translated relation to the camera at a changeless speed of vrelative under an angle of radians along the horizontal axis during the interval [ 0, texposure ] , the deformation is really unidimensional. Specifying the â€Å" length of gesture † as L= vrelative texposure, the PSF is given by: The distinct version of ( 7a ) is non possible to capture in closed signifier look. For the particular instance when = 0, an appropriate estimate is derived as: Figure 4 ( a ) shows the modulus of the Fourier transmutation of PSF of gesture fuzz with L=7.5 and. This figure indicates that the fuzz is a horizontal low-pass filtering operation and that the fuzz contains spectral nothings along characteristic lines. The interline spacing of these characteristic nothing form is ( for the instance that N=M ) about equal to N/L. Figure 4 ( B ) shows the modulus of the Fourier transform for the instance of L=7.5 and. Besides for this PSF the distinct version vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) , is non easy arrived at. A harsh estimate is the following spatially distinct PSF: here C is a changeless that has to be chosen so that ( 5b ) is satisfied. The estimate signifier ( 8b ) is non right for the periphery elements of the point-spread map. A more accurate theoretical account for the periphery elements should affect the incorporate country covered by the spatially uninterrupted PSF, as illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 5 ( a ) suggests the periphery elements should to be calculated by integrating for truth. Figure 5 ( B ) represents the modulus of the Fourier transform for the PSF sing R=2.5. Here a low base on balls behaviour is observed ( in this instance both horizontally and vertically ) along with characteristic form of spectral nothings. Figure 5: ( a ) Firnge elements in instance of distinct out-of-focus fuzz that should be calculated by integrating, ( B ) Popular struggle front by the Fourier sphere, demoing ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE BLUR Atmospheric turbulency is considered a terrible restriction in distant detection. Although the fuzz introduced by atmospheric turbulency is supposed to depend on a assortment of external factors ( like temperature, wind velocity, exposure clip ) , for long-run exposures the point-spread map can be described moderately good by a Gaussian map: Here is the denseness of spread of the fuzz, and the changeless C is to be chosen so that ( 5a ) is satisfied. As ( 9a ) constitutes a PSF which can be dissociable in a horizontal and a perpendicular constituent, the distinct version of ( 9a ) is by and large obtained utilizing a 1-D distinct Gaussian PSF. This 1-D PSF is generated by a numerical discretization of the uninterrupted signifier PSF. For each PSF component, the 1-D uninterrupted PSF is a incorporate country covered by the 1-D sampling grid, viz. . The spatially uninterrupted PSF has to be truncated decently since it does non hold a finite support. The spatially distinct signifier estimate of ( 9a ) is so given by: Figure 6 shows this PSF in the spectral sphere. It can be observed that Gaussian fuzzs do non incorporate exact spectral nothing. Figure 6: Gaussian PSF by Fourier sphere. IMAGE RESTORATION ALGORITHMS In this subdivision the PSF of the fuzz is assumed to be satisfactorily known. A figure of methods are introduced for filtrating the fuzz from the recorded blurred image g ( n1, n2 ) utilizing a additive filter. Let the PSF of the additive Restoration filter, denoted as H ( n1, n2 ) . The restored image can be defined by [ 1 ] [ 2 ] or in the spectral sphere by The end of this subdivision is to plan appropriate Restoration filters h ( n1, n2 ) 2 or H ( u, V ) for usage in ( 10 ) . In image Restoration process the betterment in quality of the restored image over the recorded bleary image is measured by the signal-to-noise-ratio betterment. The signal-to-noise-ratio of the recorded ( blurred and noisy ) image is mathematically defined as follows in dBs: The signal-to-noise-ratio [ 1 ] [ 2 ] of the restored image is likewise defined as: Then, the betterment of signal-to-noise-ratio can be defined as The betterment for SNR is fundamentally a step for the decrease of dissension with the ideal image while comparing the distorted with restored image. It is of import to observe that all of the above signal/noise ratio steps can perchance computed merely in presence of the ideal image degree Fahrenheit ( n1, n2 ) , which is possible in an experimental apparatus or in a design stage of the Restoration algorithm. While using Restoration filters to the existent images of which the ideal image is non available, the ocular judgement of the restored image is the lone beginning of judgement. For this ground, it is desirable that, the Restoration filter should be slightly â€Å" tunable † by the liking of the user. Direct INVERSE FILTER A direct opposite filter is a additive filter whose point-spread map, hinv ( n1, n2 ) is the opposite of the blurring map vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) : Formulated as in ( 12 ) , direct opposite filters [ 22 ] seem to be hard undertaking to plan. However, the spectral opposite number of ( 12 ) utilizing Fourier transmutation instantly shows the possibility of the solution to this design job [ 1,2 ] : The advantage of utilizing direct opposite filter is that it requires merely the fuzz PSF as a priori cognition, which allows perfect Restoration in absence of noise, as can be seen by replacing ( 13 ) into ( 10b ) : In absence of noise, the 2nd term in ( 14 ) disappears to do the restored image indistinguishable to the ideal image. Unfortunately, several jobs exist with ( 14 ) . As D ( u, V ) is zero at selected frequences ( u, V ) the direct opposite filter may non be. This can go on in instance of additive gesture fuzz every bit good as out-of-focus fuzz described in the earlier subdivision. Even though the blurring map ‘s spectral representation D ( u, V ) approaches to be really little alternatively of being zero, the 2nd term in ( 14 ) , which is reverse filtered noise, becomes highly big. So this mechanism of direct opposite filtered images hence goes incorrect in presence of overly amplified noise. LEAST-SQUARES Filters To get the better of the issue of noise sensitiveness, assorted Restoration filters have been designed which are jointly called least-squares filters [ 7 ] [ 8 ] . Here we briefly discuss two really normally used least-square filters, Wiener filter and the forced least-squares filter. The Wiener filter is considered to be additive spatially invariant of the signifier ( 10a ) , in which the PSF H ( n1, n2 ) is selected tot minimise the mean-squared mistake ( MSE ) of the ideal and the restored image. This standard attempts create difference between the ideal and restored images i.e. the staying Restoration mistake should be every bit little as possible: where ( n1, n2 ) can be referred from equaton ( 10a ) . The close form solution of this minimisation job is called as the Wiener filter, and is easiest defined in the spectral sphere utilizing Fourier transmutation: Here D* ( u, V ) is defined as complex conjugate of D ( u, V ) , and Sf ( u, V ) and Sw ( u, v. ) These are the power spectrum of the corresponding ideal image and the noise, which is a step for the mean strength signal power per spacial frequence ( u, V ) in the image. In absence of the noise, Sw ( u, V ) = 0 so that the Wiener filter peers to inverse filter: In instance of recorded image gets noisy, the Wiener filter gets differentiated the Restoration procedure by opposite filtering and noise suppression for D ( u, V ) = 0. In instance of spacial where Sw ( u, V ) Sf ( u, V ) , the Wiener filter behaves like opposite filter, while for spacial type frequences where Sw ( u, V ) Sf ( u, V ) the Wiener filter behaves as a frequence rejection filter, i.e Hwiener ( u, V ) .If we assume that the noise is white noise ( iid ) , its power spectrum can be determined from the noise discrepancy, as: Therefore, gauging the noise discrepancy from the blurred recorded image to happen an estimation of Sw ( u, V ) is sufficient. This can besides be a tunable parametric quantity for the user of Wiener filter. Small values of will give a consequence which is approximated to the opposite filter, while big values runs a hazard of over-smoothing the restored image. The appraisal of Sf ( u, V ) is practically more debatable since the ideal image is really non available. Three possible attacks can be considered for this. Sf ( u, V ) can be replaced by the power spectrum estimations for the given blurred image which can counterbalance for the noise discrepancy In the above formulated equations Sg ( u, V ) of g ( n1, n2 ) is known as the eriodogram [ 26 ] which requires some apriori cognition, but has several defects. Though better calculators for the power spectrum exists, with the cost of more a priori cognition. Power spectrum Sf ( u, V ) can be estimated from a set of representative images, collected from a pool of images that have a similar content compared to the image which needs to be restored. Still there is demand of an appropriate calculator to acquire the power spectrum from collected images. The 3rd attack is a statistical theoretical account. These theoretical accounts contains parametric quantities which can be tuned to the existent image being used. This is a widely used image theoretical account which is popular in image Restoration every bit good as image compaction is represented as a 2-D causal auto-regressive theoretical account Here the strengths at the spacial location ( n1, n2 ) is the amount of leaden strengths of neighbouring spacial locations plus a little unpredictable constituent V ( n1, n2 ) , which can be modeled as white noise with discrepancy. 2-D car correlativity map has been estimated for average square mistake and used in the Yule-Walker equations [ 8 ] . After theoretical account parametric quantities for ( 20a ) have been chosen, the power spectrum can be defines as: The difference between noise smoothing and deblurring in Wiener filter is illustrated in Figure 7. 7 ( a ) to 7 ( degree Celsius ) shows the consequence as the discrepancy of the noise in the debauched image, i.e. is excessively big, optimally, and excessively little, severally. The ocular differences and differences in betterment in SNR are appeared to be significant. The power spectrum for original image has been estimated utilizing the theoretical account ( 20a ) . The consequence is apparent that inordinate noise elaboration of the earlier illustration is no longer present by dissembling of the spectral nothing as shown in Figure 7 ( vitamin D ) [ 26 ] . Figure 7: ( a ) Wiener Restoration of Figure 5 ( a ) along noise discrepancy equal to 35.0 ( SNR=3.7 dubnium ) , ( B ) Restoration method utilizing the noise discrepancy of 0.35 ( SNR=8.8 dubnium ) , ( degree Celsius ) Restoration method presuming the noise discrepancy is 0.0035 . ( vitamin D ) Magnitude of the Fourier series transform of the restored image in Figure 6b. The forced least-squares filter [ 7 ] [ 30 ] is another attack for get the better ofing short comes of the reverse filter i.e. inordinate noise elaboration and of the Wiener filter i.e. appraisal of the power spectrum of the ideal image. But it is still able to retain the simpleness of a spatially invariant additive filter. If the Restoration map is better, it will take to better restored image which is about equal to the recorded deformed image. Mathematically: As in opposite filter the estimate is made to be exact create jobs as a adjustment is done for noisy informations, which leads to over-fitting. A more sensible outlook for the restored image is expected to fulfill: Altough many solutions for the above relation exist, a standards must be used to take among them. The fact is that the reverse filter ever tends to magnify the noise tungsten ( n1, n2 ) , is to choose the solution that is every bit smooth as possible, creates overfitting. Let degree Celsius ( n1, n2 ) represent the PSF of a 2-D high-pass filter, so among the solutions that can fulfill ( 22 ) , the 1 that is chosen suppose to minimise is supposed to give the step for the high frequence content of the restored image. Minimizing this step will give a solution that belongs to the aggregation of possible solutions of ( 22 ) and has minimum high-frequency content. Discrete estimate of the 2nd derived function is chosen for degree Celsius ( n1, n2 ) , by and large called as the 2-D Laplacian operator. Constrained least-squares filter Hcls ( u, V ) is the solution to the above minimisation job, which can be easy formulated in the distinct Fourier sphere: Here is a regularisation parametric quantity that is expected to fulfill ( 22 ) . Based on the work of HUNT [ 7 ] , Reddi [ 30 ] has showed that the built-in equation can be solved iteratively with each loop necessitating O ( N ) operations, where N is the figure of sample points or observations.For more inside informations, refer [ 30 ] . REGULARIZED ADAPTIVE ITERATIVE FILTERS The filters discussed in the old two subdivisions are normally implemented in the Fourier sphere utilizing equation ( 10b ) . Unlike to spacial sphere execution in Eq. ( 10a ) , the direct whirl with the 2-D SPF H ( n1, n2 ) can be avoided. This has a certain advantage as H ( n1, n2 ) has a really big support, and typically has N*M nonzero filter coefficients although the PSF of the fuzz has a little support, which contains merely a few non-zero coefficients. But in some state of affairss spacial sphere whirls have borders over the Fourier sphere execution, viz. : where the dimensions of the blurred image are well big, where handiness of extra cognition the restored image is possible [ 26 ] , particularly if this cognition is non perchance representable in the signifier of Eq. ( 23 ) . Regularized Adaptive Iterative Restoration filters to manage the above state of affairss are described in [ 3 ] [ 10 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 29 ] . Basically regularized adaptative iterative Restoration filters iteratively approaches the solution of the opposite filter, and can be represented mathematically in spacial sphere loop as: Here represents the Restoration consequence after ith loops. Tthe first loop is chosen to indistinguishable to. The loops in ( 25 ) has been independently covered many times. Harmonizing to ( 25 ) , during the loops the bleary version of the Current Restoration consequence is compared to the recorded image. The difference between the two is scaled and so added to the on-going Restoration consequence to give the Restoration consequence for following loop. In regularized adaptative iterative algorithms the most two of import concerns are, whether it does meet and if it is, to what restraint. Analyzing ( 25 ) says that its convergence occurs if the convergence parametric quantity satisfies: Using the fact that D ( u, V ) =1, this status simplifies to: If the figure of loops gets larger, so fi ( n1, n2, ) approaches the solution of the reverse filter: Figure 8: ( a ) Iterative Restoration method ( =1.9 ) of the image in Figure 5 ( a ) entire 10 loops ( SNR at 1.6 dubnium ) , ( B ) sum 100 loops ( SNR at 5.0 dubnium ) , ( degree Celsius ) At 500 loops ( SNR at 6.6 dubnium ) , ( vitamin D ) At 5000 loops ( SNR at -2.6 dubnium ) . Figure 8 shows four restored images obtained from the loop presented in ( 25 ) . Clearly higher the figure of loops, the restored image is more dominated by opposite filtered noise. The iterative strategy in ( 25 ) has several advantages every bit good as disadvantages that is discussed following. The first advantage is that ( 25 ) can work without the whirl of images with 2-D PSFs holding many coefficients. The lone whirl it needs is the PSF of the fuzz, which has comparatively holding few coefficients. Furthermore Fourier transforms are non required, doing ( 25 ) applicable arbitrary sized images. The following advantage is, the loop can be terminated in instance of an acceptable Restoration consequence has been achieved. By taking the bleary image, the loop increasingly goes on deblurring the image. The noise besides gets amplified with the loops. So the tradeoff the deepness of Restoration against the noise elaboration can be left to the user, and the loop can be stopped every bit shortly as acceptable partly deblurring is achieved. Another advantage is, the basic signifier ( 25 ) can be extended easy to include all types of a priori cognition. All cognition can be formulated as projective operations on the image [ 4 ] , so by using a projective operation the restored image can satisfiy the a priori cognition which is reflected by that operator. Sing fact that image strengths are non-negative they can be formulated as the undermentioned projective operation P: So the ensuing purposed iterative Restoration algorithm in ( 25 ) now becomes The demands on co-efficient for convergence and the belongingss of the concluding image are difficult to analyse and fall outside the range of our treatment. In general are typically about 1. Further, merely bulging projections P can be used in the loop ( 29 ) . A definition of a bulging projection can be quoted as, if any two images and fulfill the a priori information described by the projection P, so besides the combined image of these two, i.e. should fulfill this a priori information for every values of between 0 and 1. A concluding advantage, an iterative strategies is easy extended for spatially variant Restoration, i.e. Restoration where either the PSF or the theoretical account of the ideal image vary locally [ 9, 14 ] . On the other side, the iterative strategy in ( 25 ) has two disadvantages. The 2nd demand in Eq. ( 26b ) , where D ( u, V ) & gt ; 0, can non be satisfied by many fuzzs, such as gesture fuzz and out-of-focus fuzz etc. This deviates ( 25 ) to diverge for these types of fuzz. Next, compared to Wiener and constrained least-squares filter this basic strategy does non see any cognition about the spectral behaviour of the noise and the ideal image. But these disadvantages can be corrected by modifying the proposed iterative strategy as follows: Here and c ( n1, n2 ) carry the same significance as in forced least-squares filter. Now it is no longer required for D ( u, V ) to stay positive for all spacial frequences. In instance the loop is continued indefinitely, Eq. ( 31 ) will ensue in forced least-squares filtered image. In general pattern the loop usage to be terminated long earlier convergence occurs. It should be noted that although ( 31 ) seems to affect more whirl comparison to ( 25 ) , many of those whirls can be carried out one time and off-line [ 26 ] : where the bleary image g vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) and the fixed whirl meats K ( n1, n2 ) are given by Another important disadvantage of the loops in ( 25 ) is that ( 29 ) – ( 32 ) is the slow convergence. The restored image alterations merely a small in each loop. This necessasiates batch of loop ensuing more clip consumed. So these are steepest descent optimisation algorithms, which are slow in convergence. Regularized iterative image algorithm has been developed based on set of theoratical attack, where statistical information about the ideal image and statistical information about white noise can be incorporated into the iterative procedure.This algorithm which has the constrained least square algorithm as a particular instance, is besides extended into an adaptative iterative Restoration algorithm. For more inside informations refer [ 31 ] In recent yearss there are two iterative attacks, being used widely in the field of image Restoration, are: Lucy-Richardson Algorithm Lucy-Richardson algorithm [ 29 ] maximizes the likeliness map that the resulting image, when convolved with the PSF by presuming Poisson noise statistics. This map is really effectual when PSF is known but information about linear noise in the image is non present. Blind Deconvolution Algorithm This has similar attack as Lucy-Richardson algorithm but this unsighted deconvolution algorithm [ 27 ] can be used efficaciously when no information about the deformation ( film overing and noise ) is even known. This is what makes it more powerful than others. The algorithm can reconstruct the image and the PSF at the same time, by utilizing an iterative procedure similar to the accelerated, damped Lucy-Richardson algorithm. BLUR IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHMS In the old subdivision it was assumed that the point-spread map vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) of the fuzz was known. In many practical instances designation of the point-spread map has to be executed first and after that merely the existent Restoration procedure can get down put to deathing. If the camera object distances, misadjustment, camera gesture and, object gesture are known, we could – in theory – find the PSF analytically. Such state of affairss are, nevertheless, rare. A most common state of affairs is to gauge fuzz from the observed image itself. In the fuzz designation process, take a parametric theoretical account for the pointspread map ab initio. One manner of parametric fuzz theoretical accounts has been shown in Section II. As an illustration, if we know that the fuzz was due to gesture, the fuzz designation process would gauge the length and way of the gesture. An other manner of parametric fuzz theoretical accounts is to happen the 1 that describes the point-spread map vitamin D ( n1, n2 ) as a ( little ) set of coefficients within a given finite support. Within this scope the value of the PSF coefficients have to be estimated. For case, if a pre-analysis shows that the fuzz in the image resembles out-of-focus fuzz which, nevertheless, can non be described parametrically by equation ( 8b ) , the fuzz PSF can be modeled as a square matrix of – say – size 3 by 3, or 5 by 5. The blur designation [ 15,20,21 ] so needs the appraisal of 9 or 25 PSF coefficients, severally. This above two classs of fuzz appraisal are described in brief below. SPECTRAL BLUR ESTIMATION In the Figures 2 and 3 we have seen the two of import categories of fuzzs, viz. gesture and out-of-focus fuzz, have spectral nothing. The construction of the zero-patterns represents the type and grade of fuzz within these two categories. As the debauched image is already described by ( 2 ) , the spectral nothing of the PSF should besides be seeable in the Fourier transform G ( u, V ) , albeit that there will be deformation in zero-pattern because of the presence of noise. Figure 9: |G ( u, V ) | of two resulted blurred images Figure 9 shows the Fourier transform modulus of two images, one subjected to gesticulate fuzz and other to out-of-focus fuzz. From these images, the location of the zero-patterns and construction can be estimated. An estimation of the angle of gesture and length can be made if pattern contains dominant parallel lines of nothing. In instance dominant handbill forms occur, out-of-focus fuzz can be inferred and the grade of out-of-focus ( the parametric quantity R in equation ( 8 ) ) can be estimated. of the gesture fuzz. BLUR ESTIMATION USING EXPECTATION MAXIMIZATION ( EM ) In instance the PSF does non posses characteristic spectral nothing or in instance of parametric fuzz theoretical account like gesture or out-of-focus fuzz can non be assumed, so single coefficients of the PSF have to be estimated. For this demand EM appraisal processs have been developed [ 9, 12, 13, 18 ] . EM appraisal is a widely well-known technique for executing parametric quantity appraisal in state of affairss in the absence stochastic cognition about the parametric quantities to be estimated [ 15 ] . A item description of this EM attack can be found in [ 26 ] . Figure 4: Popular struggle front of the gesture fuzz by Fourier sphere, demoing Uniform OUT-OF-FOCUS BLUR When a camea images a 3-D scene onto a 2-D imagination plane, some parts of the scene are in focal point while remainder are non. When camera ‘s aperture is round, the image of any point beginning is really a little disc, called as the circle of confusion ( COC ) . The grade of defocus ( diameter of the COC ) really depends on the focal length every bit good as the aperture figure of the lens, and the distance among camera and the object. An accurate theoretical account should depict the diameter of the COC, every bit good as the strength distribution within the COC. In instance, the grade of defocusing is relatively larger than the wavelengths considered, a geometrical attack can be taken for a unvarying strength distribution within the COC. The spatially uninterrupted signifier of PSF of this unvarying out-of-focus fuzz with radius R is given by:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Positive and Negative Traits Essays

My Positive and Negative Traits Essays My Positive and Negative Traits Essay My Positive and Negative Traits Essay To start with, one of my positive traits is being God-fearing. What I mean on this is that at all times I keep in mind that every action I do must be according to His will. Whether I do simple chores at home, or different works at school, I always make it to the point that I do all of these things with sincerity and honesty as God wants us to do. Another positive trait of mine is being family-oriented. Yes, I consider this as a positive one for I see my family as my source of motivation as I continue my path to be a successful person someday. Up to the present time, I am giving my all to finish my studies. I am now in my final year in college and hopefully sooner or later I’ll be able to get a decent job and yield my family the fruits of their hard work in providing me a better future. Then, I am a team player. One instance that can emphasize this is the time when we’re having our group project. We’re composed of different people, each wit h contrasting personalities compared to mine. What I did is I composed myself and focused on our goal, which is to finish the project. I also adapt myself and blend in to my group mates for us to have a good connection to one another. I am also a trustworthy friend. I’m the type of person that you can tell secrets to and never worry that I’ll share it to others. I have friends that I treat as my own, my best friends since high school. Until today the bond is still strong despite having our own schedules. We’re still connected, and whenever one of us has problems, the others are more than willing to lend a hand. Finally, having strong dedication and commitment to a specific goal is included in my positive traits. When I set my mind on something that I want to accomplish, I’ll do everything that I can in order to do so. For my negative traits, first thing is that sometimes I have a bad temper. This usually happens when I already had a bad day at school and then eventually I’ll be scolded

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wife of Bath

Wife of Bath The Wife's is the sixth tale (of twenty-four, including two by Chaucer), while Coghill in his modern version places it fourteenth. In both, her tale (from what is known to scholars as Fragment III, containing Group D of the tales) precedes the Friar's and the Summoner's. In Robinson she follows the Cook, while in Coghill she follows the Pardoner. In both cases, her tale is the first of a group of seven (Wife, Friar, Summoner, Clerk, Merchant, Squire, Franklin) known as the "Marriage Group", as all of them deal with the subject of authority (where it lies and how it is exercised) in married life.The Wife is unusual in that her prologue is longer than her tale and is far and away the longest prologue Chaucer gives to any storyteller (only the Pardoner comes remotely near her for length). For most tales the prologue is usually an instructive introduction to the tale; here the tale is more of a sequel to the prologue, which is of more interest to the Wife's hearers and us, the modern rea ders.English: Opening folio of the Hengwrt manuscript D...Like the Pardoner, the Wife tells us much about herself, but her account is almost a full autobiography; it appears, again like the Pardoner's prologue, as a mixture of confession and attempted self-justification.The Wife speaks directly from her experience of marriage, while her tale is presented as a kind of model illustration of her theories. She has married, while young, three wealthy older husbands; her fourth husband, closer in age to herself, resisted all her attempts to dominate him. But her most bitter struggle has been with her fifth husband, though ultimately, she got the better of him. She has been widowed five times but is eager to find a new husband. Having inherited the wealth of her various husbands,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Causes of Stress Among School Teachers

Causes of Stress Among School Teachers The effects of stress upon a persons life can be profound. Different studies have shown that job related stress affects work satisfaction and over all happiness. Increasing stress is becoming recognized occupational hazard in the educational profession. In a country like Pakistan we cannot ignore the situation in educational setting. Teachers` agitations and class boycotts are common practice that shows their dissatisfaction. Both quantity and quality of education are not good. There may be many causes of stress in teachers. To investigate the causes and the nature of stress is of vital importance for improving the quality of education. The present study will be an effort to investigate the causes of stress and to get an orientation of how to explore it on a larger scale. Statement of the problem: The proposed study will investigate the causes of stress among school teachers. Significance of the study: Receiving little practical attention from governmental side education department especially school situation is very bad. Working staff in school is very much frustrated and every one from principal to lowest rank servant complains about his status and neglected condition. It is clear that every one face some kind of stress which is evident in his lake of interest in job. This disinterestedness leads to poor teaching environment and also creates administrative problems for the head of the institution. To improve the situation in school it is must to create stress free environment. But nothing can be improved without knowing the factors involved in creating stress among the staff especially the teachers who are responsible for the better running of the system. So this study will be very important for those who are concerned with the education system; e.g. the following can take help of this study: Heads of educational institutions Education planners Education department Society stakeholders who thinks teachers accountable Delimitations of the study: The research will follow the conceptual theoretical framework developed on the basis of review of related literature. However, the study will restrict itself to primary investigation of government high schools only in district Peshawar only. Hypotheses of the study: The following hypotheses will be tested: there is significant difference between salary of teachers and the level of stress there is significant difference between level of stress and traveling to reach  their place of duty. there is significant difference between personal conflict among teachers and stress in teachers there is significant difference between class size and stress in teachers there is significant difference between level of stress in teachers and lengthy courses there is significant difference between level of stress in teachers and Heavy work load on them there is significant difference between level of stress in teachers and Authoritarian behavior of the principal there is significant dif ference between level of stress in teachers and lake of rule and discipline in school there is significant difference between level of stress in teachers and lake of community support Sample of the study: Since the research will be restricted to schools of one district only, therefore to see the meaningful effect the sample will comprise 60% of the whole population of teachers in the district.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysing legal texts Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysing legal texts - Outline Example Goodwin pleaded that his PWC did not constitute a Ship in the statutory definition and it was not a sea going vessel and further that he was not a Master employed thus he not be chargeable under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. in the initial trial his PWC ruled as a ship and Goodwin pleaded guilty however in his appeal the following questions of law arise: 1. Weather the PWC fell in the statutory definition of a ship ? 2. The meaning of the Word Sea going as per the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 3. Weather Goodwin fell under the category of Master Employed Weather the PWC fell in the statutory definition of a ship The statutory definition Merchant Shipping Act 1995 is provided in s.313(1):- â€Å"ship includes every description of vessel used in navigation†. The Court treated this statutory definition in two phases with the first being a vessel and the second being the capability of independant navigation. The court relied on Steadman v Scofield1 where a jet ski was not considere d a vessel due to its design concluded that a vessel in its traditional meaning and considered it a hollow object of boat like design capable of transportation trasportation over water and concluded that even though a jet ski was not considered a vessel the PWC in this case was indeed a vessel. The Second test of Navigation was taken not in the literal sense but in its wider meaning and was concluded the ability to go from point A to B when ordered as in Curtis v Wild however as said in Steedman v Scofield the random movement meant for joy was not considered as navigation for the purposes of the statue concerned. Thus the PWC was not considred a Ship. Sea going as per the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 The Statue requires the vessel to be capable of voyage over sea and in this case the in fact ridiculed on the thought of a PWC capable of serious voyage and thus ruled it outside the statutory definition of Sea going vessel for the purpose of the statue and concluded that a vessel meant f or recreation or purely for pleasure even though it may be capable of voyage in the literal sense was not to be taken as an actual sea traveling craft as per the requirement of the law. Weather Goodwin fell under the category of Master Employed The Merchant Shipping Act requires is for the Master Employed in a sea going ship. The Court decided in the positive to the last issue of law as Lord Phillips CJ said applied the act on a scenario of his devising that a person owning a yacht would also be punishable under the law if he so criminally injures a person. The Ratio in this case is concluded to be that in Order to be convicted under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 Sec. 58 one needs to qualify the criteria and the three questioned as explained above state that a Ship defined as a craft capable of transport of people and goods and used in accordance with a pre-set navigation for the sake of fulfilling transportation related objectives 2. Identify within this case, examples of the lite ral rule of statutory interpretation.explain why u believe each example is of the literal rule. The Literal rule of interpreting a statue is when the Court reads the wording of the statue with its dictionary literal meaning without adding or subtracting anything of its own creation. The

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Strategic management - Essay Example These kinds of problem weaken the advantage of public transportation and restrict the development of public transport. The urban travel in Indian cities mainly happens by cycling, walking and public transport. Though in the last two decades there have been huge growth rates of cars and two wheelers by 10 % and 15 % respectively in India, the two wheeler ownership remains at 40 – 50 % and car ownership remains low at 3-13 %. This shows that in India the ownership rate of personalised vehicles are low. The same thing is repeated in Delhi where the contribution margin of urban public transport is low. At present in Delhi per 1000 people only 50 persons have cars and per 1000 people 74 individuals have motorcycles. Government of Delhi implemented a number of bus optimization policies but sadly bus did not become the subject of urban transport (Stock, and Lambert, 2001, p. 211). According to a study conducted by urban development ministry at the Centre, in Delhi the availability of public transport is very low i.e. per 1000 persons it is 0.504. The average waiting time for all 517 Delhi Transport Corporation buses is 70 minutes. The reason for such high waiting time was less frequent bus trips in underdeveloped and sparsely populated areas. According to the report only 2,202 buses out of 6,455 in Delhi are made according to urban bus specifications. The report indicates that on an average DTC rolls out 5,185 buses everyday out of total fleet of 6,088 buses. Besides 120 DMRC feeder buses and 247 private operator buses bring the total number of buses running in the city to 5,552. In Delhi there are total 657 routes which are registered with State Transport Authority. The total route length for all the routes including overlapping and suburban routes comes out to be around 16,200 km. But the suburban routes are very less in number and have very little contribution to the total route length. Hence the road network is very low (Chopra and

International Perspectives In Organisations Literature review - 1

International Perspectives In Organisations - Literature review Example The next sections of the discussion will emphasize on the constraints of different global cultures in the theoretical approach of management. The study will further illustrate the cross-cultural differences and its impact in management and leadership. The last section of the critical analysis will elaborate the effect of business downsizing on the organisational behaviour and sustainability. The argument of this article is based on the responsibilities of international corporations and organisations on the global population. In this argument Arnold (2012), has elaborated and defended the views that are supporting and promoting the role of transnational corporations and business entities as the agent of justice for the base of economic pyramid. This argument has explained the role of corporations in the reduction of global poverty and inequality. The author has also discussed two separate perspectives of normative legitimacy that support the role of corporations and other business entity as the agents to promote global justice (Arnold 2012). The first perspective focuses on the normative legitimacy of different international institutions which are responsible for governing various international trade regulations and business activities. Though this domain of normative legitimacy has accrued huge attention of political and legal scholars, the author of the article has pac ifically focused on the second perspective which evaluates the legitimacy of corporations in regards to its activities within global societies. This argument has detailed the importance of ethical and moral legitimacy of corporations in regards to their global activities (Buchanan and Keohane, 2006). According to the view of Palazzo and Scherer, (2006) moral and ethical legitimacy of organisations is not dependent on the legal and political norms but it is influenced by the deliberative communication process. During the explanation of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Quantitative Methods and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Quantitative Methods and Analysis - Essay Example Hence it is important to select optimal level of sample size. The sample size depends on some variables or parameters which should be considered by the researchers. These four parameters are: the level of statistical power, p level, variability associated with treatment, and error variability (DMS, 2006). The first sample size calculator selected is available on the website of Raosoft (2004). This calculator calculate sample size on the basis of margin of error or confidence interval, confidence level, population size, and response distribution. For example with 10% margin of error or confidence interval, 95% confidence level, 2000 population size, and 50% response distribution the sample size according to this calculator is minimum 96 subjects. The second sample size calculator selected is available on the website of Macorr Research Solutions. This calculator calculate sample size on the basis of confidence level, confidence interval, and population. For example, if the confidence level is 95%, confidence interval is 10%, and population size is 2000 the sample size according to this calculator is 92

How Collaborative Communication to Promote the Satisfaction and Dissertation

How Collaborative Communication to Promote the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Franchisees - Dissertation Example Hong Kong is a country that has established several multinational businesses, mostly franchises from mother companies based abroad. It is necessary that cultural dimensions of various individuals and groups involved in franchise businesses be studied so that franchisers and franchisees have better understanding of each other as well as the business itself. Such collaborative communication borne from this understanding is believed to bring about satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees, hence, more success in the business, and more profit for the franchise. Qualitative methods such as questionnaires and focus group discussions of stakeholders from various franchise businesses in Hong Kong will be used in this study to determine if consideration of such cultural dimensions has an impact on satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees and net profit of the businesses. Chapter 1 Introduction/ Rationale Today, more than ever, businesses come in various forms. This is especially true with intern ational businesses. Some companies expand by having more branches both locally and internationally. Ownership of these branches may either be retained by the original owners or sold as franchises to new owners but still under the same company name and operations, but different management. In cosmopolitan places such as in Hong Kong, businesses thrive well. This includes franchises of established businesses which may be based abroad. This naturally makes the franchise a multinational/ multicultural business venture. Problem Statement Like in most multicultural settings, communication between people from different cultures may pose to be a hindrance in the smooth flow of operations. There are many factors to consider here. One is cultural differences which may cause misinterpretations in communication. People may hold different belief systems and practices which may seem offensive to others without meaning to. This may spell trouble between the communicating parties and may be a cruci al point in business transactions if it is not resolved. Negative consequences may escalate if miscommunication persists. It may adversely affect the business, possibly the relationship between the contracting companies involved, and the financial aspect of the business. This study will explore how collaborative communication in international settings can promote satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees and study its moderating effect on the net profit of franchise businesses in Hong Kong. Importance of the Study This study will contribute much to the field of international business especially in the area of intercultural communication. Being aware of factors that may cause conflicts and misunderstandings between parties coming from different cultures may be considered a start in the resolution of such issues. These need to be resolved right away because if not, then it may gravely affect the business relationship they share. Scope and Delimitation The scope of this study covers indi viduals involved in the franchise businesses in Hong Kong and their international business associates in the franchise. Data will be completed by email to facilitate dissemination and collection. The responses will delimited to the views of the participants and although they may represent the views of their own companies, the conclusion will not be generalized to the whole

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Interactive Group Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Interactive Group Discussion - Essay Example In line with this, each member was expected to study the PRINCE 2 structure closely. The work was to be chosen by each individual in the group this paved way for the development of, R&D.Members were expected to carry out documentation.The incorporation of individual aspect was to come out at this stage. The individual perspective was to be read out at the next meeting. In the following meetings project approach was identified. Technological Road Map (TRM) was identified. This however presented a new challenge to us. To begin with, two project members had to be explained to what TRM entail as they found it very complex.The identification of objectives brought forward an issue especially on the last. The objective mentioned that The TRM method and other optional methods. This was an issue as the objective was overloaded and vague. Members deliberated and we modified it to only one method. The decision on communication on completion of the work was decided. The group zeroed on email as the best method. Communication was an important aspect of any group interaction. The members were to keep in touch through the use of emails and also physical meetings. To begin with, the method was good as it was fast and time-saving. Considers that internet-based surveys may save time for researchers as access can be gained to a large number of individuals within a short time. In so doing it meant that communication could take place any time of the day as all one needed was a computer and internet connection.... to be chosen by each individual in the group this paved way for the development of ,R&D.Members were expected to carry out documentation .The incorporation of individual aspect was to come out at this stage. The individual perspective was to be read out at the next meeting. In the following meetings project approach was identified. Technological Road Map (TRM) was identified. This however presented a new challenge to us. To begin with two project members had to be explained to what TRM entail as they found it very complex .The identification of objectives brought forward an issue especially on the last. The objective mentioned that The TRM method and other optional methods. This was an issue as the objective was overloaded and vague. Members deliberated and we modified it to only one method. Decision on communication on completion of the work was decided. The group zeroed on email as the best method. Communication was an important aspect in any group interaction. The members were to keep in touch through the use of emails and also physical meetings. The prior, use of emails had pros and cons. To begin with the method was good as it was fast and time saving. Consinders that internet based surveys may save time for researchers as access can be gained to large number of individuals within a short time. ( Wright, 2005 p 8) . In so doing it meant that communication could take place any time of the day as all one needed was a computer and internet connection. Another advantage was that the communication could take place simultaneously between several individuals. (Mann, 2002 p 2) notices , ‘The internet enables to an interchange of messages between two or more users logged at different computer terminals’. However, the methods had certain disadvantages. One could not

How Collaborative Communication to Promote the Satisfaction and Dissertation

How Collaborative Communication to Promote the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Franchisees - Dissertation Example Hong Kong is a country that has established several multinational businesses, mostly franchises from mother companies based abroad. It is necessary that cultural dimensions of various individuals and groups involved in franchise businesses be studied so that franchisers and franchisees have better understanding of each other as well as the business itself. Such collaborative communication borne from this understanding is believed to bring about satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees, hence, more success in the business, and more profit for the franchise. Qualitative methods such as questionnaires and focus group discussions of stakeholders from various franchise businesses in Hong Kong will be used in this study to determine if consideration of such cultural dimensions has an impact on satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees and net profit of the businesses. Chapter 1 Introduction/ Rationale Today, more than ever, businesses come in various forms. This is especially true with intern ational businesses. Some companies expand by having more branches both locally and internationally. Ownership of these branches may either be retained by the original owners or sold as franchises to new owners but still under the same company name and operations, but different management. In cosmopolitan places such as in Hong Kong, businesses thrive well. This includes franchises of established businesses which may be based abroad. This naturally makes the franchise a multinational/ multicultural business venture. Problem Statement Like in most multicultural settings, communication between people from different cultures may pose to be a hindrance in the smooth flow of operations. There are many factors to consider here. One is cultural differences which may cause misinterpretations in communication. People may hold different belief systems and practices which may seem offensive to others without meaning to. This may spell trouble between the communicating parties and may be a cruci al point in business transactions if it is not resolved. Negative consequences may escalate if miscommunication persists. It may adversely affect the business, possibly the relationship between the contracting companies involved, and the financial aspect of the business. This study will explore how collaborative communication in international settings can promote satisfaction and loyalty of franchisees and study its moderating effect on the net profit of franchise businesses in Hong Kong. Importance of the Study This study will contribute much to the field of international business especially in the area of intercultural communication. Being aware of factors that may cause conflicts and misunderstandings between parties coming from different cultures may be considered a start in the resolution of such issues. These need to be resolved right away because if not, then it may gravely affect the business relationship they share. Scope and Delimitation The scope of this study covers indi viduals involved in the franchise businesses in Hong Kong and their international business associates in the franchise. Data will be completed by email to facilitate dissemination and collection. The responses will delimited to the views of the participants and although they may represent the views of their own companies, the conclusion will not be generalized to the whole

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Separation of sand (SiO2) and salt NaCl Essay Example for Free

Separation of sand (SiO2) and salt NaCl Essay I am trying to separate SiO2 and NaCl.lso I will calculate the percentage of SiO2 and NaCl in the mixture. Apparatus/Chemicals * Weighing bottle * Analytical balance * Bunsen Burner * Side arm flask * Thick walled rubber tube * 5 grams of the mixture SiO2 and NaCl * Tripod * 50ml of H2O * Filter paper * Funnel * Spatulas * Evaporating dish * Clamp * Boss * Gauze Method 1. Collect all apparatus above 2. Measure approximately 5 grams of the SiO2/NaCl mixture on an analytical balance. 3. Measure 50cm3 of H2O 4. Pour SiO2/NaCl mixture into beaker with H2O. 5. Stir the solution so that the salt dissolves. 6. Set up vacuum filtration 7. Pour the mixture in the Buckner funnel. 8. Wait for the H2O to run into the conical flask. 9. Set up Bunsen burner. 10. Heat H2O left in the conical flask in an evaporating dish. 11. The H2O will evaporate leaving behind NaCl. 12. Weigh SiO2 and the NaCl. Results Weight of mixture before experiment 5.5380 After heating mixture there was SiO2 2.5221 NaCl 2.4317 2.5221+2.4317=4.9538 There was some salt and sand lost 5.5380 -4.9538=0.5894 Calculations on the percentage of SiO2 and NaCl in mixture Salt 2.4317 X100 =44% 5.5432 Sand 2.5221 X100 =45% 5.5432 Lost Sand/Salt 0.5894 X100=11% 5.5432 Conclusion My aim was to separate SiO2 and NaCl, which I did successfully to a certain extent. I lost 11 %of the mixture due to experimental error. Another part of my aim was to calculate the percentage of the SiO2 and NaCl, which I have done above. Evaluation From my results you can see I have made a major error.11% of the mixture was lost. This was due to experimental error. I cannot really say that in the mixture SiO2 had the highest percentage. This is because 11% was lost and I do not know how much of the lost percentage is SiO2 or NaCl. Whilst I was heating the evaporating dish. The H2O was spitting SiO2 out of the evaporating dish. I lost a lot of SiO2 here as it came out. In the future I can put a lid on top of the evaporating dish. Another error where I lost SiO2 was on the filter paper.Smal quantities of solid SiO2 were left on the filter paper and Buckner funnel. When transferring the mixture of SiO2 and NaCl from the weighing bottle to the beaker I could have lost some of the mixture in the bottle. Next time I do the experiment I could measure the mixture in the beaker. Therefore, I will eliminate the transferring of the mixture.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mozarabic Religious Culture in Spain

Mozarabic Religious Culture in Spain People define art as something which has been molded from talent and skills. It is something made out of inspiration or something that the artist envisions. We consider the remnants of the past as arts, Greek potteries, ancient paintings or buildings, illuminated manuscripts and so forth. These objects may be admired and appreciated in several different ways but what we see may not be the view of the artist who made it centuries ago. There were relics of the past that has shown history. There are objects that we may consider today as an object of art but what we see is just a small fraction of what it has been to the people where it had been before. It may represent what culture it came from, what trials did the creator of the object had gone through to make something that would subsist through the years to be appreciated and be treasured in the present time. In most histories, there were always things found that represents what kind of life they have lived, murals that tells the sto ry of our ancestors existence just like a diary in the present time. In the history of Spain there existed a group of minorities which made an impact in the countrys history religiously and artistically. Mozarabs were Iberlian Christians living in Al-andalus, a nation in the Iberian Peninsula. The term Mozarabic is derived from the word mustarib or mustarab which came from the Arab root word araba, meaning in the active sense, to make oneself similar to the arabs or having assimilated Arabic customs or most specifically designating someone who had the appearance of an Arab, was indistinguishable from the Arabs, an would not stand out in the crowd of Arabs (Corominas 244). It was a term derived to call the Christians who lived in the control of the Muslim lands and avoid confusion among old Christians who resided in Al-andalus and other Christians. Although Spain was Muslim in that period (711-1492), Mozarabs were treated good-naturedly, though they remain unconverted to Islam and didnt actually enjoy equal rights. A few agreed to be converted to Islam to avoid the heavy tax being subjected to them. The conversion also opened opportunities for them to make a better living and alleviate their status in the society since they were in a Muslim community. They have adopted Arab customs, culture and Arabic language. Christians lived in a separate community; they had their own government, and paid a special tax in place of the requirement made of Muslims to serve in the army. There were Mozarab women who married Muslim men and their children were raised as Muslims. Mozarabic was the romance language they spoke (Hitchcock 12). This language was first documented in the Peninsula in the form of choruses or kharjas in Arabic and Hebrew lyrics called muwashshahs. Even though Arabs were driven out of Spain at the end of 15th century and the language has died out, it is sometimes claimed that Mozarabic has left its mark on the dialects of Southern Spain and Portugal. In their time, Mozarabs never call their language as Mozarabics nor themselves as Mozarabs. At times Christian communities prospered in Muslim Spain; these Christians are now usually referred to as Mozà ¡rabes, although the term was not in use at the time (Hitchcock 1978). Historians started calling them Mozarabs only in the 19th century referring to the Christians who lived under the Muslim rules in the Iberian Peninsula during the middle ages. The Mozarabs had ritual worships in the Catholic Church which was Mozarabic Liturgy. It was most celebrated on Sundays and on great feasts. The Mozarabic rite is the second-best most attested preserved documented liturgy in the Latin Church; the first is the Roman rite. The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary is emphasized in their rites more than that of the Romans. They were also the first to use ashes within the liturgical celebrations. Mozarabic Liturgy is also called Gothic-Spanish, Isidorian and Toledian (Gihr 334). Many of the existing manuscripts of these rites are in cathedral Chapter Library at Toledo. There were manuscripts found by the cardinal in the library of the cathedral in Toledo in 1502 as mentioned by Gomez to his edition of Brevarium Gothicum which was published in Madrid, 1775. These manuscripts were one of the magnificent Mozarabic arts preserved from their time. It was said that these manuscripts were written in old Gothic characters and related to the ancient Spanish Liturgy (Notes Queries 41). The manuscript was said to have a resemblance to the Roman Liturgy in every essential part. The Mozarabic Liturgy is an essential part of the Spanish Christian History. Their rites continued to be used in the five churches of Toledo until 1842 when the Spanish government suppressed the churches throughout the country and the number of parishes dropped. Another essential part of the Mozarabic Liturgy is the Mozarabic chant which has a significant influence from the Gregorian chants. It was also a period of musical creativity in the part of being liturgical, which was still preserved at present time. It was intended to be sung by males, in accordance with the Roman Catholic Tradition and was monophonic and a capella. There were four chant categories, recitation, syllabic, neumatic, and melismatic. Chants were considered a method for spiritual development; it can be performed individually or in a group. Chants may involve throat singing as in Tibetan Buddhists and chanting mantras which are particular to Hindus. In the time of the Moorish invasion in Toledo there was a clash in the liturgical rites because the king and queen preferred the Roman rites so in order to decide which of the two were most favored by heaven they agreed to choose their own champions to fight in mortal combat. But when the Mozarabs won, the king and queen were annoyed by their triumph and later came to a thought that it is not appropriate to question theology in the form of a combat. It is only through a miracle that they will determine heavens response. Believing that their rituals were exceptional they proposed to make another deal where the two liturgies were thrown into fire while each party prays to heaven. The one which will not be burned will be considered the most favorable to heaven. The Roman ritual came out scorched but the Toledan remained on the spot where it was thrown and remained without injury. The Mozarabic ritual was then preserved and followed for a long period by their descendants until the copies of the rituals were lost and no one was able to perform and understand the services which had caused disputation between them. Having the desire not to discontinue such significant custom, Don Francisco Ximenes, archbishop of Toledo, founded a Mozarabic chapel where Mozarabic services were to be celebrated. The chapel which still exists is ornamented with interesting Gothic frescoes which were still in a perfect stage of preservation. It represents various combats between Toledans and Moors, another is meticulously painted frescoes which shows the vessels that brought the Arabs to Spain(Gautier 127). One of the paintings represents the old Toledo during that time and information about the arms, costumes, weapons and architecture of their period in vast details. The cloisters, as well, were covered with frescoes. They surround a number of elegant and severe arcades of beautiful masses of vendure[à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] (Gautier 127). The cloisters were fittingly located near the church whe re you can walk about and reflect your thoughts without having to join in a ceremony or in a prayer. It was a peaceful and cheerful surrounding. The church in St.Thome at Toledo which was Moorish in all its details was classified as Mozarabic Architecture. There were many of the same class with horseshoe shaped arches and ribbed domes which were undoubtedly known as made by Christians but has Islamic influences (Fergusson 158). Mozarabic architectures has absence of exterior decoration, diverse in the floor plans, the majority of the structure is emphasized in the small proportions/ carvings (segmented, ribbed of horseshoe transept, etc.). It was known that Mozarabic arts and architecture were a fusion of Christian and Arabic influences whereas the adjective Mozarabic was derived. These practices were seen in the artistic church architectures and manuscript designs. There were various buildings in Spain with Mozarabic influence but there were ones which were purely Mozarabic. Some e xamples were the Iglesia de San Miguel de Escalada (fig.1), east of Leon; the Ermita de San Baudelio (fig.2), beyond Berlanga de Duero in Soria province; and Iglesia de Sta Maria de Lebeà ±a (fig.3), on the east side of the Picos de Europa mountains. Various churches with Mozarabic characteristics were built during religiously tolerant periods across Al-andalus. Eventually, most of them were destroyed or damaged in the years of conflict and persecution between different communities. An important characteristic of the Mozarabs was that they stick to their customs, cultures and religion although they were not allowed to build new churches. The eighth century is a fundamental phase for Christian culture in Spain where numerous architectural and artistic customs arose with influences from early Christian and Carolingian Art. When the Mozarabs migrated to north of Spain they established many monasteries where a certain change in the regions concept in architecture, sculpture and painting occur. Along with the changes in the traditional architecture there arose an illumination of manuscripts mostly from the Bible and the New Testament and Beatus of Liebanas commentary on the Book of Apocalypse also known as the Book of Revelation of St. John. It was the reason that Beatus of Liebana was known in the later decades of the eighth century. Beatus of Liebana was known a monk, theologian and geographer. He was also know to have written two other texts, being the co-author of the Apologeticum which is also known as the Letter of the Etherius and Beatus to Elipandus and as the possible author of the sixty-line acrostic hymn known as O Dei Verbum (Kinane 48). In his time, having studied the New Testament Apocalypse, he saw the signs which were to his belief the sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Adoptionist movement which does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God is, to his view, the anti-christ. He wrote a letter to Archbishop Elipandus of Toledo about the error of his ways. To the latters annoyance, he wrote a letter to the Asturian abbot Fidel accusing Beatus of the sin of arrogance, being a lowly monk teaching ways to an Archbishop(Kinane 50). The archbishops words of sarcasm and name-calling might have served for Beatus to write the Apologeticum where he turned the Archbishops word back on him entwining words based from the Bible. He proved in his own logical form that Elipandus is the Antichrist which caused Doctrinal war and brought Elipandus to scrutiny throughout Europe. Beatus calculated the Second Coming of Christ based on the events in the Bible and had arrived to the conclusion that the 6th millennium from the time of Adam would be the end of days. In total, the Mozarabs religious culture had been of great influence in Spains customs and its arts and architecture. Although a minority group they have proved to have lived in what they believed and fought for it. They played an essential part in its religious history and had been a foundation of Christianity.